Saturday, November 6, 2010

Taurima Journey is not over!

Okay, so after my last blog update about having a job at Totara Springs over the summer, I mentioned in that blog that I was not yet sure about whether I would be an RA nest year at Taurima Hostel or not... well since then, I have heard back from the hostel.

On Tuesday morning, while I was on practicum at Heretaunga Intermediate, I had a phonecall on my cellphone - of course I did not realise this till aftetwards at lunch when I checked my cellphone. The missed call was from the hostel manager.

Pretty much, I have been offered a position of RA next year at Taurima if I want it and when I found out I was literally over the moon. I will be employed by the hostel and will be working for the hostel and the Taurima Trust Board, having an impact in the lives of others and getting to once again step out of my comfort zone. I'm so excited for what next year has instore, my life is all once again falling into place and I no longer have to worry about where I will live next year!

Basically, MY TAURIMA JOURNEY IS NOT OVER and I am so pleased and grateful for that. Next I will be taking so many pictures, scrapbooking, laughing and enjoying myself, having the year of a lifetime and making sure that it is a year to remember!

Next year will be a year of challenges and excitement but i'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to shape me, challenge me and guide me through the next 12-18 months of my life.

So from the bedroom of a future RA for Taurima Hostel,
ta ta for now (ttfn)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Summer Job - CHECK!

So just a wee update for everyone....

Practicum is going amazingly awesome and honestly although members of the class have their moments, I could not be blessed with a more incredible and amazing base class and Associate Teacher (AT) for practicum. Today I did the roll and did a whole heap of planning (during class time) and learnt a few more "tricks of the trade". Tomorrow the lessons begin :)

Prac finishes on November 19th and as of 3:30pm that afternoon, MY SUMMER BEGINS!!!! Up until I got back from Camp Wakarara, I was not exactly sure of what I would be doing over summer this year.

I now know what I am doing for the last week of December and all of January - thank you Jesus for Totara Springs Christian Centre.... I love this place so much!

Now just to sort a job for November 22nd - December 25th

Miss Stewy over and out!