Saturday, July 18, 2009

Finally i had been given answers

Wow, what to say? Well the last few months have been pretty tough - living at home, jobless (apart from the odd casual work), stuck in Hawkes Bay and not knowing what to do with my life. I have been often wondering over the last few months, why things werent going according to my plan and why whenever i thought something major was going to happen in my life, it didnt end up happening. Why was i being put through this time of testing and requiring patience? Clearly im not the most patient person in the world and so maybe that was what was needed.

After doing a talk at youth group about all of this, i then headed down to welly for a week and realised that God had been on my side the whole time - all i had to do was acknowledge it and realise that he had a greater plan for my life than i did.

While heading down to Welly on the monday morning, i got a phone call from Wellington Nannies College saying that they had recieved my application a little while ago and it turns out that someone had pulled out of the course, the friday before and they now had a place for me in the course. Well, it was then that i knew Gods plan was being revealed to me. I had my interview at the college on Wednesday 1st July (the day before my 19th bday) and i got accepted! I was totally nervous about the interview but it was one of the easiest i have ever done. YAY - FINALLY I WAS GETTING THE ANSWERS TO ALL MY QUESTIONS!

Had a great bday on the Thursday (thanks to certain people who shall remain nameless) and then headed home on the Friday. What a great week it had turned out to be.

The next week was full of 30ish children each day and working out at St Lukes Church in Havelock North - doing a holiday programme. What a week that was, a time where more patience was required for sure and a few other talents and skills.

After the holiday programme ended on the Friday, i realised that i had one week to go until i moved to Welly! I still knew nothing of what would be happening in welly eg. where i would be living, who i would be living with, what church i would go to etc ... all i knew (and kept gettin told) was that God would supply the answers!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kathryn, God has certainly been good to you with the situations he's helped you into over the past few weeks. Am praying you'll continue to immerse yourself in his Word and grow heaps through your time in Welly :)
