Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wellington Here I Come

Ok, so these blogs are being written as i am lying on a bed at Central House in welly because i have been so slack at updating my blog.

The week after the holiday programme seemed to go so fast and included shopping, getting paper work filled out for Nannies College, catching up with and saying Goodbye to a whole lot of people and much more.

One of the hardest things during the past week for me would have been the fact that i had to say Au Revoir (at least for now) to the people at "The Station Community Church" and also at "St Peters Riverslea". Man, i thought that would be easy but nope - tears were present on both occasions that Sunday.

Monday morning, i realised that i might indeed need a hair cut before i headed off to the big smoke, so i rang my hairdressers to see if they had an appointment avaiable at all during the week. Turned out they had one on Tuesday and i was so stoaked.

Tuesday, i got a haircut and did a bit more shopping for clothes for the next 6 months.

Wednesday i realised that i had better start packing and so i made a list and started to sort through things. Also, it was time to say goodbye to some more people -something i was once again not looking forward to. It was also one of these two days (Tuesday and Wednesday) when i recieved yet another call from Wellington Nannies College. The person who was meant to be organising a family for me, was off sick (silly Swine Flu) and so were her family, and the college realised that nothing had been done about where i would live in Welly. Long story short, i was meant to be staying in Jville (Johnsonville) but the family there no longer required a nanny. :'(

Thursday just seemed to fly by and before i knew it, it was Thursday night and the packing was pretty much done (apart from a few things to be added on Friday morning). I then headed off to Bay Cities to drop off my band uniform and i thought that i had better pay my subs before i left. Of course John Snowling and some of the band knew that i was going, but when John Snowling is concerned, no-one leaves without being made a big deal of. Later, i sent a couple of emails off to people and then headed to bed, my last sleep in my own bed (in Hawkes Bay) for a while!

Friday was the next day and Wellington was calling my name - i was ready physically for the big step in my life but as for emotionally, im not too sure i was ready for that.

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