Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today (or yesterday considering i am writting this on Saturday), was MOVING DAY! A nice early start in the morning and final packing was how the day began. Then packing the car and leaving home by about 7:30am and on our way to Wellington!

The trip down wasnt too bad and i did manage to get a nana nap or two throughout the trip. Im glad that mum and dad were driving but dont know how they managed to stay awake - maybe it was just the fact that "I don't do mornings" and they seem to.

Finally got to Wellington around 12ish and then had to negate our way into town - Dad was driving at this time and lets just say that he is not a person in favour of Wellington Traffic. Went to drop my gear off at Central House before heading up to the Nannies College, to get directions to get to my interview with my possible host family at 2. They lived in Seatoun and considering we were not from this city and had no idea where we would be going, the college were kind enough to give us directions out there. Thank goodness for that.

The interview at Seatoun was great and went well according to both myself and the mother of the family that i was meeting. i thought that went quite well and the mother said that she thought it went quite well... the only thing was that before interviewing me, they had been exploring other options. After the interview, i rang the Nannies College to let them know how it went. Later i got a call back from them saying that the Seatoun Family had decided to go with another option (although it was nothing against me) but this was easier for them as they were able to then have someone right through till the end of the summer holidays. This was at like 4:30pm and i was kinda guttered about not having a family. The person i was talking to from Nannies College then said to me that she had another family in mind and would i be able to meet them at 5pm? At this point i was so exhausted (after being awake since like 6am-ish) but said so anyway as i didnt want to be panicing over the weekend and not exactly knowing what i was doing on Monday.

Long story short - 2nd family was great and i got on really well with them. The mother is a little scary when you first meet her but its still good. I am moving in with that family 2mrw afternoon/evening. They are living over in Khandallah so in less than a week i have gone from Johnsonville to Seatoun and then to Khandallah.
For those that are wanting to send a letter or a care package or anything - my address in Khandallah will be:

2 Te Kainga Way,
Wellington, NZ

The family i am going to be living with seem really great - there are 3 chns in the family (all of which are currently UNDER 5!!!) so that will be a task in itself! The mother is a nurse and works some night shifts so i will have sole charge of the chns on Wednesday and Thursday and will be working 11-12 hours on those days... YIKES! Not sure about the rest of the week at this stage but will sort that out later.

The rest of Friday night was great and i just have to say that i totally love being at Central House and Flat 5 is the bestest ever! Thanks so much for the awesomeness and the amazing hospitality guys (and girls)! We watched a movie and Alex (one of the guys in the flat) and I attempted to make apple crumble (without a recipe) and it was interesting to say the least. It tasted not too bad but we have now all called it "Apple Porridge" - i shall let you all draw your own conclusions for that one!

Went for a walk downtown with Caleb (another guy flatmate) and Bridget (the one i am supposedly stayin with) at like 10:30pm or something like that and then came back to Central House and headed off to bed. Didnt get to sleep till nearly midnight but thats okay.

Its now dinner time on Saturday and i need to head off and get some food - will write more in the blog later now that have updated everyone!

Take care and stay safe!

Until later - God Bless,

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