Monday, May 17, 2010

Nathaniel Charles Feldon

On a slightly happier note than my previous blog entry.... I am so excited an amazed when i look back over the past year - two years of my life.

9 months ago, it was my mums birthday and also 9 months ago (today) my boyfriend and i started "officially" going out.

I know it probably seems weird to be doing a blog entry about "9 months" but oh well, im weird and you probably all know that by now.

Nathaniel Charles Feldon is incredible and i literally thank God each and every day for placing this man in my life.

I am so thankful for you Nathaniel and you have just totally changed my life in the past 9 months. You have been there for me in the good times and the not so good times, you have helped me to re-ignite my love for Christian Camping, you have reminded me that I can do things i thought i could not, taught me to have more patience,helped me to aim higher and dream bigger and you have also reminded me to take risks in life.

The past 9 months have been filled with tears, laughter, fun times together, movies, meeting family, seeking adventure, taking photos, getting stuck in Tirau, giant white teddy bears and tigers, growing together, praying hard and watching God at work, flirting in the kitchen at camp, talks about the future, hugs and kisses, cups of tea, hot chocolate's and chai latte's, picnics, listening to me moan and groan,sickness and health, wellington, Palmerston North, Hawkes bay, Matamata, Hamilton, Totara Springs and so much more.

You have taught me so much in such a short amount of time. I will NEVER look at life the same again. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with me.

Nathaniel, you truly mean the world to me and i do not know what i would do without your presence in my life.

The past nine months has been a journey to remember (and NEVER forget). It has gone so fast yet at the same time, I can't believe it has only been nine months.

You are a "Gift of God" who has taken up a place in my heart a my life. A place which no-one will ever replace. <3

How are you? Are you okay?

Im sure that every single one of us (at some point in our lives), has been ask the question "How are you?" or similar to that "Are you okay?"

What is your usual response when asked this? Does your response depend on who is asking the question and how much of your life story they already know?

I have noticed in the last few months (but more specifically, the last few weeks), that my response to these types of questions, does indeed depend on who i am talking to. I have also noticed that with other people and the way their responses change with different people.

The people who ask us these questions, obviously care enough to ask in the first place, right? I know now that when i ask someone these types of questions, i want to know how they really are.

Last night i had a friend who knew i was finding a couple of things in life slightly challenging. He asked how i was and as usual, i said "im okay" or "good" but when really inside, i knew i wasn't. This friend is amazing, I have only known him since the middle of Feb this year (not even three months yet) when i moved up to Hamilton and Taurima Christian Hostel. Already this friend can read me like a book - especially with a couple of things going on at the moment.
He knew i was not okay and encouraged me to share how i really was feeling instead of changing the subject or avoiding the subject altogether which i noticed i am quite good at. This was around 10:30 last night and i knew i was not in a mood to share right then because i was over-tired and knew i would probably start to cry.

This morning i sent a message to this particular friend, saying that i know i WANT/NEED to talk to him today and that i will talk rather than letting things bottle up inside. I know he really wants to know whats going on, otherwise he would have dropped it by now but no he hasn't.

I guess what i am trying to say here is:
If your friends care enough about you to continue asking "How are you?" or "Are you okay?" and you are not good or not okay, then TELL THEM!

I know from experience that the true friends do not give up that easily and will continue to ask you over and over again.

Your choice:
The "no, im not okay" "im not that great" way ?
the "yep yep, im good" "of course im okay - life is just peachy" way?

Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 becoming clearer

So often in life, we think we can do somethings but we can't do other things. No matter how hard it is to tell someone something we are going through, we still seem to tell them that "everything is okay, or I am fine" even when we know we are not. We tend to rely so much on our own strength and think we can get through things on our own.

Do we live life the way we want to - being the person we want to be


Do we live life the way others want us to - being the person that the rest of society wants us to be?

This past week has been a real challenge for me - i have learnt more about why i am in Hamilton this year and why i think God has placed me here in Taurima Christian Hostel. I have learnt that the mix of people we have this year in this hostel is incredible and that we can all relate to each other in some way, shape or form (if we really get to know each other). I have also learnt to appreciate the statement people often say about university friends being lifelong friends.

Life is certainly never easy and God will always throw us a curve ball when we least expect it or when we think life is going great but another thing that i have learnt this past week is that he will NEVER throw us a curve ball which he thinks we can not handle or are not good enough for. These may seem too hard or difficult to face but in the long run, the ups and downs of life are what draw us nearer to our creator. God supplies us with all that we ever need and that most definitely includes all the incredible friends that have been placed in our lives - whether we have known them 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks or 3 minutes.

Eleanor, thank you so much for opening up and telling me what you have - you are incredible for doing that.

A reminded to EVERYONE who reads this: Never think that you have to go through anything alone because there WILL always be people here to support you.

Love and Blessings,
Kath :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tweens or Tweenies

This was first written back in like May i think after reflecting on a lecture that we were given about Tweens and Tween Culture.... yikes!!!

"So today when we got to our Human Development Lecture, it was all about Tweens (or Tweenies) and their place in today's society!

Wow, what an insightful lecture....

In 2006, Rawlings defined tweens as "children between the ages of 8 years and 12 years old".

All i can say after sitting through this powerful lecture is that flip, we need to think about what "tweens" are really seeing in society and explain to them that they do not need to grow up as fast as they currently think is necessary."

If you don't believe me about Tween Culture and how shocking some things are then just pop onto google or even look at some of the slogans on t-shirts that Tweens of today are wearing. I mean come on, there is now toys and costumes for Tweens which are like what pole dancers use and wear - that is just ridiculous!



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I know i CAN do it!

Okiee doke, so it is like the first week of May and in Waikato, that means it is graduation week for all the university students who have worked hard for however many years to earn their degrees and now they finally get that piece of paper and a chance to throw a nice looking black hat up into the air!

Graduation week up here (also means, as i noticed today), a time for the graduates to reflect on their time at university and to go around campus and take oodles and oodles of photos to remember in years to come.

As i was finishing my last class today and walking home from uni, looking at all the graduates that were having photos in their caps and gowns, it made me think about all the hard work they have put in over the last few years.

One of my grades that i got for a test which we did last term was a D and since getting that grade, i have not been totally happy. Since then i have questioned whether i really am meant to be here studying towards this degree or not (even though i know i love primary school students). Seeing those graduates today, i reminded myself that they may not have always had the best results and they probably had ups and downs with their grades BUT they stuck it out and succeed and now today they have graduated.

I am nearly 1/6 of the way through my degree and in four weeks, i shall only have 5 semesters left to go. It may seem like a lot at this point in time but seeing those grads today has reminded me that YES, I CAN DO IT! I am meant to be up here in Hamilton studying at the top SOE/FOE in the country and although the grades may not always be the best, I wont give up, i shall stick at it and I WILL SUCCEED!!

"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."
(Phil 4:13 - The Message)

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
(Phil 4:13 - NIV)

Bring on the next 5 semesters of my life! :)