Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I know i CAN do it!

Okiee doke, so it is like the first week of May and in Waikato, that means it is graduation week for all the university students who have worked hard for however many years to earn their degrees and now they finally get that piece of paper and a chance to throw a nice looking black hat up into the air!

Graduation week up here (also means, as i noticed today), a time for the graduates to reflect on their time at university and to go around campus and take oodles and oodles of photos to remember in years to come.

As i was finishing my last class today and walking home from uni, looking at all the graduates that were having photos in their caps and gowns, it made me think about all the hard work they have put in over the last few years.

One of my grades that i got for a test which we did last term was a D and since getting that grade, i have not been totally happy. Since then i have questioned whether i really am meant to be here studying towards this degree or not (even though i know i love primary school students). Seeing those graduates today, i reminded myself that they may not have always had the best results and they probably had ups and downs with their grades BUT they stuck it out and succeed and now today they have graduated.

I am nearly 1/6 of the way through my degree and in four weeks, i shall only have 5 semesters left to go. It may seem like a lot at this point in time but seeing those grads today has reminded me that YES, I CAN DO IT! I am meant to be up here in Hamilton studying at the top SOE/FOE in the country and although the grades may not always be the best, I wont give up, i shall stick at it and I WILL SUCCEED!!

"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."
(Phil 4:13 - The Message)

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
(Phil 4:13 - NIV)

Bring on the next 5 semesters of my life! :)

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