Monday, May 17, 2010

How are you? Are you okay?

Im sure that every single one of us (at some point in our lives), has been ask the question "How are you?" or similar to that "Are you okay?"

What is your usual response when asked this? Does your response depend on who is asking the question and how much of your life story they already know?

I have noticed in the last few months (but more specifically, the last few weeks), that my response to these types of questions, does indeed depend on who i am talking to. I have also noticed that with other people and the way their responses change with different people.

The people who ask us these questions, obviously care enough to ask in the first place, right? I know now that when i ask someone these types of questions, i want to know how they really are.

Last night i had a friend who knew i was finding a couple of things in life slightly challenging. He asked how i was and as usual, i said "im okay" or "good" but when really inside, i knew i wasn't. This friend is amazing, I have only known him since the middle of Feb this year (not even three months yet) when i moved up to Hamilton and Taurima Christian Hostel. Already this friend can read me like a book - especially with a couple of things going on at the moment.
He knew i was not okay and encouraged me to share how i really was feeling instead of changing the subject or avoiding the subject altogether which i noticed i am quite good at. This was around 10:30 last night and i knew i was not in a mood to share right then because i was over-tired and knew i would probably start to cry.

This morning i sent a message to this particular friend, saying that i know i WANT/NEED to talk to him today and that i will talk rather than letting things bottle up inside. I know he really wants to know whats going on, otherwise he would have dropped it by now but no he hasn't.

I guess what i am trying to say here is:
If your friends care enough about you to continue asking "How are you?" or "Are you okay?" and you are not good or not okay, then TELL THEM!

I know from experience that the true friends do not give up that easily and will continue to ask you over and over again.

Your choice:
The "no, im not okay" "im not that great" way ?
the "yep yep, im good" "of course im okay - life is just peachy" way?

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