Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let the planning begin

I was proposed to just over 2 weeks ago and today, I had a smile as big as I did at 2pm on New Years Day 2011.

A week or so ago, I ordered a Wedding Planning Booklet online from and was getting it shipped to me in Matamata. Today the Wedding Planning Booklet/Folder arrived and that smile from New Years Day, was once again on my face - bigger and brighter than ever.

There is so much information to scan through and so much to do but I can now start planning and preparing for MY WEDDING :)

As for other things in life, we are now up to Kids Camp at Totara Springs and things are going well. Today was a day off for my fiance and I so we were very grateful to get offsite for a while and just breathe. Also, hopefully my engagement ring will be back in my pocession either tomorrow or on Thursday (which would be pretty amazing) as it is now on its way back to Matamata.

Not sure if there is too much more gossip to report or not apart from things are being finalised for this year in Taurima Hostel - so so excited and praise God for good news about all of this.

2011 is going to be AH MAZE ING and super busy but it is a year that I am looking forward to very very muchly! Lets bring on all the challenges that 2011 will put in my path.

Love and blessings to all,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

...THE STORY....

Okay, so lots and lots of people have been wanting to know how Nathaniel proposed so I thought that I would do a blog update here with "THE STORY" and you can all read it as you please and refer back to it if you so desire at a later date :)

So we both had the day off work and travelled up to Auckland to just enjoy and spend the day with each other.
When we got to Auckland, he had organised for us to have a romantic picnic for lunch in one of the Bays just around the corner from Kelly Tarltons. After we had lunch, we ended up heading around the corner to Kelly Tarltons and got to see penguins etc which was pretty cool. (

Then after doing a tour and a few other things at Kelly Tarltons, we headed up to Bastion Point which overlooks Rangitoto Island and most of Auckland Harbour. I was taking photos and meanwhile unbeknown to me, Nate was looking around for a place to get down on one knee. He thought he had found the perfect spot and then a busload of tourists arrived and so he quickly changed his mind :)

Ended up walking around the beautiful gardens there and taking more photos. He pointed out a nice place to take a photo through the trees and stuff and so I got out my camera and meanwhile he was getting down on one knee.

Apparently I was taking too long to take the photo and he was tapping me on the back and trying to get my attention for me to turn around. I said "hold on" and finished taking the photo and then turned around and there was my boyfriend down on one knee and holding out a box with an amazing ring in it.
"Will you marry me?" was what he said and I was so surprised. He said afterwards it looked like I was going to pass out. lol

I was jumping up and down and at the same time telling him over and over "you are not doing this". lol It took me about 2 mins to actually calm down and then he got up and said "I take that as a no then?" I was like "no no no..... ah I mean of course its a YES".

Afterwards he hugged me and said that he thought he had better start out 2011 the way he wants the rest of this year and the rest of his life to be :)

I didn't cry but I must admit, I was pretty close.

No date is officially set yet so please do not ask that one just yet but will let you all know asap.

So yea, that is the story and yes there will be pictures to follow but the ring is currently being resized so I can't quite get a photo of that on here for you right now but good things take time so be patient :)

A dream come true :)

I must say that New Years Eve and New Years Day of 2010/2011 has certainly been THE BEST New Years that I have ever had.

Its quite funny actually as I remember when I was younger, I used to sit at home on New Years Eve and our family did not used to do that much at all. I would usually watch a movie that would be on tele and then once it got dark enough, would either head outside or to the window and watch the fireworks going on from a distance. I would always say to myself that one year, I would be right there when fireworks were going off, that I would be dancing the night away and welcoming in the New Year with lots and lots of excitement - rather than watching a movie and falling asleep before midnight :)

New Years Eve 2010 and New Years Day 2011 were certainly the time for that to all come true.

On New Years Eve, I was helping out my man in the kitchen, attempting to tray up 400ish meringues for the supper at the Family Camp that we were having here at Totara Springs. We also watched a movie after doing the supper and then headed over to the Gym around 11:30pm for the last half an hour of the dance that was happening over there and to get ready for the countdown to midnight. It was so awesome just to be able to spend the New Year with my man and all the rest of the Totara Springs family, doing something other than just watching a movie.

We counted down to midnight and a the strike of midnight, 400 balloons fell from the celling and landed on the floor - now just so you know, this was a massively high celling so it actually looked spectacular. We had just walked out onto the dance floor just before the countdown so were able to have balloons fall down on us as the clock struck midnight and since the lights were off at the time, there was also maybe a slight bit of tonsil tennis that went on as well as a "Happy New Year" or two. After that it was outside to watch the fireworks and welcome in the New Year.

15mins later, after a fantastic start to the New Year, it was time to head off to the land of nod and try and get some sleep. Well that was what my flatmate (Sala) and I had intended but our plans soon changed and we had an incredible discussion about 2010 and all that God had done for us as well as so much more. Eventually we got to sleep around 1am and then woke up again around 8ish. No wonder we were tired that day.

New Years Day of 2011 is one that I will remember for years and years and years to come. I thought it was just going to be my boyfriend and I heading up to Auckland for a day off and relaxing offsite and just enjoying each others company while celebrating the New Year. Haha, well it was that as well as so much more.
We travelled up to Auckland as boyfriend and girlfriend that morning but when we headed back to Matamata.....

Well lets just say that we were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. :(
For some reason though, I was not too sad about this part because I was now ENGAGED and had a FIANCÉ!!!!!

At last, all my dreams of an incredible New Years Eve and New Years Day had come true. It was a great trip back to Matamata that day and still a week later, the smile from New Years Day, is still bright and clear on my face.

Nathaniel Charles Feldon, I LOVE YOU!!!!!

What made this even better was when I got back to Totara Springs and had celebrated with people, when I was heading to bed around 11pm, I got a txt to say that one of my best friends from High School had been proposed to and her and her man were now also engaged - that wa one we had all been waiting for :)

Stay tuned for more info about the proposal and photos will also follow.