Sunday, June 5, 2011

Imagine what we could achieve if we knew we couldn't fail

The other day I was sitting in my room cleaning out things and going through a whole lot of papers and sorting them out. I came across a bit of paper which had a few bible verses on it as well as this one particular quote which I have now, tonight just written a God Spot about for Tuesday night at the hostel....

Thought I would share it with you all... so here goes.

At times in our lives, we struggle to believe that we can achieve something – maybe we feel like this because although we know we could achieve it, at the same time we also know that there is every chance we could fail at what we do.

Fail ourselves, fail our friends, fail our family, fail a test at uni, fail at getting that incredible job we have only dreamed about for a long time – the thing is that sometimes in life no matter how much we believe in things, no matter how much faith we have in succeeding, there is still often a voice inside of us saying that we will fail and therefore its hard to always put 100% into everything we do with our lives

There is so much in my life that I have delayed doing – that I have put off because I do not have enough confidence, because i am afraid of what others might think or say or do and to be honest, putting those things off is just silly... they are my dreams and my goals so I should be able to achieve them but I am scared of failing I guess...


Imagine what we could achieve if we knew we couldn't fail

How different would we live our lives, we probably wouldn't care as much about what or how others thought of us, we would want to give everything a go because there would be no fear of failing.

How much more effort would we put into the things we do, how much more faith in ourselves and in our abilities would we have. How much more time would we spend looking ahead to the future rather than looking back on our failures

I have challenged myself, and I also challenge you all to make a list of what you want to do with your lives – what you want to achieve, where you want to be in 10 years (or even 5 years), what you want to be remembered for when you leave this life. Just make a list of everything that you have ever wanted to do but have been too scared to do because you might fail... just make a list and set about to do those things – set about to live your life the best way that you could and have the attitude in your life of “Imagine what I could achieve if I knew I couldn't fail” remind others to have an attitude in their own lives of “imagine what we could achieve if we knew we couldn't fail”

Also.... exams are coming up – what kind of attitude are you going to have when you prepare for those exams? When you sit that exam? After the exam? What will your attitude be?

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