Saturday, August 1, 2009

Photos and update since i have been so slack!

Well here is an update for you all since i have been so slack at this over the last week or so!

All is going well so far. The children in the family that i am living with are all under 5 - 3 kids under 5, boy have i got my work cut out for me (supposedly). Their names are Josh 4yr old (5 on Christmas Day!!!), Hannah 3yr old (turned 3 in April) and then Oliver who is 11 and a bit months (turns 1 on Aug 23rd!). So i guess you could say it is a pretty busy household at times but so far i am surviving! I thought that i would add some photos on here since some people are asking about them so yea....

The first photos are of the first family that i work with (who also happen to be the fam that i am living with). Hannah also does not like having her hair tied up so its a miricle to have a photo with her hair actually tied up. There is certainly a performance or two when we even suggest tying it up.

The next lot are of the 2nd fam that i work with. The children in that family are very similar ages to the first fam and there are two girls and one boy instead of the other way around. I have only managed to get a couple of pics from the 2nd fam so far but will hopefulyl be able to get some more this week. Also will try and get some of Nannies College and some of the other students :)

Anyway, dinner time here now so i must go but i promise that i shall update my blog with some news and pics in the next couple of days - or at least by next weekend :)

Take care and God Bless,
Love Kathryn xox

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