Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 4/5

Week four seemed to go ohh so fast, this was probably because of the fact that i was looking forward to heading home on the Friday afternoon.

Week was great - Cooper (oldest child in the 2nd family) turned 5! and had his first day at school yesterday (monday) but was very sad when he found out that i wasnt able to be at his birthday party coz i was heading home for the weekend!

I had long days with Clare's family this week and they were slightly different as Brian (father) was home sick all week and Clare worked slightly different hours. So when i was supposedly meant to have sole charge of the chns, it pretty much went to custard and everything that i did on Wednesday with the children, i got a "I want mummy to do it" or "I want daddy" or just screaming in my face! Also, this week oliver (almost 1 yr old) did not want to sleep much with his morning/afternoon naps so by the time it came around to four pm and i was bathing Josh and Hannah - Oliver was screaming and crying and ohh boy... it was not pleasent at all! The life of nannying i guess :)

Thursday was much better - i think because Hannah and i were able to leave the house and go down the road to the park and spend some time there. Also Thursdays are busy but then i get a bit of down time in the afternoon while Oliver is sleeping (IF HE SLEEPS) and Hannah is at Kindy and Josh at swimming lessons!

Had the day off work on Friday but went down to "Tumbling Tots" which is like gym for todlers and helped out Sam (mother of 2nd family) with Elise and Sophie since i was free. What a great time that was but very hard trying to teach Elise how to climb up and down a ladder safely... this is still a work in progress and i have certainly learnt that children have a mind of their own. Ohh mother, how i feel for you after all of these years....

Friday after tumbling tots, it was back home (home as in Khandallah) and then pack my stuff, wash sheets, hang out washing and then pretty much time to head off to the bus stop in town and catch the bus home (home as in Hawkes Bay!!!!!)

Had a great weekend up in the bay and loved just hanging out with the fam (when i had a chance to). Went and saw FAME put on by HBHS/HGHS and it was fantastic. I always love going and seeing the last night of productions/musicals - they i think are the best.

Sunday i caught up with people at "The Station Community Church" which was fantastic and i realised how much some of the little ones have grown up in four weeks - its really scary but great. Also on Sunday i celebrated mum's birthday with her (which was actually monday) and that way i could be a part of it. Sunday afternoon i caught the bus back to welly and got in around 7pm ish. Little did i realise that i had managed to arrive at the train station at a busy time when there were a whole lot Phoenix fans and the train station was chaos! I walked out of the train station and also realised that i was certainly back in Wellington - the weather was HORRIBLE - even by wellington standards!

Monday i had another day off work and managed to catch up on an assignment or two and also just spent the day exploring wellington and porirua - whoop whoop! Catching up with friends whom i havnt seen in a while was great and i got to feel like a little kid again (instead of being an adult looking after little kids)!

Well now its tuesday morning and i have to head off and catch my bus into town for course now but i hope this keeps you all going long enough until i post my next blog (which hopefully wont be too far away)

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