Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday stroll in Khandallah turned Mountainous

Once upon a typical Saturday afternoon in Khandallah, Kathryn decided to go for a walk. Well it wasnt really a typical Saturday afternoon as normally i would probably have been out of the house early in the morning and not be back till late at night but since the budget is fairly tight at the moment (silly studylink), it was a quiet day at home in Khandallah.

Anyway, back
to the story.........................

So Kathryn decided to go for a walk - well yes! I knew a few places in Khandallah but wanted to go somewhere nice and quite but beautiful at the same time (if possible) and just be able to relax and read my bible.

For those of you that don't know, Khandallah is very hilly and there are quite a few steep roads scattered over the place (well more like every where you look!!!!).

I knew that Mt Kau Kau existed but i had no idea where to go to climb/walk up this mountain. I would have loved to have gone up but seriously had no full intention of doing so. I just walked and walked for nearly 20ish mins, taking turns in the road here and there and avoiding the streets that were practically vertical (im sure you can all picture me walking up those roads :D ). I then turned into Simla Cres and much to my amazement saw a sign which said something about Johnsonville Park and Khandallah Park. I then took a closer look at this sign and saw that there was a walk right up to the top of Mt Kau Kau! WOW, total "Thanks God" moment just then.

I started walking the track and although my legs were aching after only a short while, i kept going and within about 20-30mins, i had realised i had found my new favourite place in Khandallah - i was soooooooooooooooooo happy!!!!

The view was AMAZING and the best part was that it was a fantastic SUNNY DAY IN WELLINGTON! And i (Kathryn Allison Stewart), had just climbed/walked up a mountain!!!!!!!!

Two and a half hours after starting, i was nearly back home (legs feeling like jelly) but proud as heck of myself! The one thing that i had not thought about when trecking Mt Kau Kau, was that at the end of this incredible journey, i would then have to walk up hills and steep streets to get back home (Khandallah home of course) and my gosh what a challenge that was....

Got home, had a shower and felt so great (not so great that i could do all again right then though). It had been a great afternoon walk, i found my new favourite place in Khandallah, i pushed myself beyond my limits, i got my bible study done and i enjoyed being up a mountain!

Something must have been working over the last few weeks coz then at church on Sunday night, one of the girls in my life group (bible study group), said to me that it looked like i had lost weight - yay! Maybe if she had seen a couple of my pics of the day before then she would have had second thoughts but still i was stoaked!

I guess being on the internship over the summer and walking Cooks Cove, did teach me something afterall! Ohh and Cruz and Hayden - i didnt have fish and chips straight after this walk either :)

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