Monday, August 31, 2009

week 6 and 7

Heck, time just seems to be flying by in wellington! its good but not so good at the same time - im getting used to life in Wellington now (and yes that does include the weather - no further comment to be made!) and it everything just seems to be moving at a pace that i cant seem to keep up with.

I need to try and keep my blog up to date more often as i am starting to lose track of what weeks are what - that probably sounds quite bad actually but i guess my excuse is that i work with children... haha

The rest of week 5 was great - i loved how i was able to have the monday off work and then i had a short week! It seemed to make life so much easier (maybe because i was relaxed) and i could actually get a couple of good sleeps (night time sleeps i mean).

With my second family that i work for - The Davis-Wren's (Sam and Scott are the parents), i am now starting to get a whole lot more responsibility and taking over a lot more tasks which is good. The upside to this is that i am feeling more like i can achieve things and know how their household works where as the downside is that i cant spend as much time as i would like to with the children although they do still seem to love me so i guess i cant complain.

I cant remember what i had written in my last blog but there have been a couple of birthdays between the two families in the last few weeks. Cooper (Sam and Scott's son) is now five and is attending Khandallah Primary School which he seems to enjoy. I have been able to go and pick him up from school a couple of times now so im really liking that.
Also, Oliver (youngest in Clare and Brian's family) has just turned one and had such a fantastic birthday although he had a slight cold and flu but all seems to be well now.

Classes are going well (each and every tuesday) although most of my breaks are spent trying to sort things out with the bank or studylink but like people keep saying to me - GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME.

In class the last couple of weeks we have been learning about:
child play (ie collage, painting, water activities etc),
communication with children,
Attachment Behaviour (very very interesting - seriously)
Child Health ( talking about "The Immunisation Schedule", Emergency Services, all the factors that can affect the health of a child health - physical, mental, soical, economic)

Tomorrow should be good as we are all spending a couple of hours at an EC (Early Childhood) Centre (all over Wellington, Paraparaumu, Kapati) to explore and gain even more experience and insight into the EC Curriculum. Then we are back into town to the Abel Smith Street campus to then talk further Childs Play (with Paulene - one of our tutors) and then even more Communication with Children with Robynn (another of our tutors).

I have a whole heap more info to share and pics to post but will put them onto another blog entry!

for now "Thats all folks"

God Bless,

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