Thursday, June 24, 2010

12 months of transformation

Last night as I lay in bed (trying to get to sleep), I was thinking - I know its dangerous but I still did it.

I realised that exactly a year ago, I was sitting in front of my youth group at The Station Community Church in Hastings, giving them a talk about my ups and downs of life over the first few months of 2009. Life was hard - just out of school, jobless, bored, had to get 1 single extra credit to qualify for UE (University Entrance), sick of home, wanting to do more with my life, over Hawkes Bay, no qualifications apart from NCEA, no man in my life, sick of pleasing others but not myself, thinking im useless, acceptance letters but then courses no longer running, no money, patience, patience and more patience, getting annoyed at God and so the list continues.

A whole year has been and gone since then and all that I can say is WOW. I am now a qualified Nanny, im studying towards a Bachelor of Teaching at Waikato University's Faculty of Education (#1 in the country), relationship with family is so much better, moved away from Hawkes Bay (twice now) and have experienced independence. I now have an amazing partner who I am so blessed to have in my life and so much more.

In these past 12 months, God has completely transformed my life for the better and what I have accomplished and what God has helped me through, over the last 12 months is incredible. It has not all been smooth sailing but God has been there all along pulling me through.

If you are waiting for God to act on your life, sometimes you first of all need to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk in order for God to act. When we are often waiting for him to act on our lives, he is often waiting for us to stand up and make a change.

In his word it says that there is a time for everything - E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G! That includes hardship and also one of the hardest things - being patient.

I am so thankful to B and JD and Steve who got me to do that talk to the youth group last year - I was totally freaked out about doing it but in the last few months, I have often reflected on my notes from that particular talk and im sure I will also reflect on them in the future.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart to all the wonderful people who are a part of my life. I love each and every one of you very dearly and could not imagine going through life without you all. You are all such a blessing to me and have helped me to not only be who I am but also to be where I am today.

God Bless you all xxx

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