Tuesday, June 8, 2010

R.O.G or F.R.O.G?

So it was Queen's Birthday Weekend this past weekend and I was once again out at Totara Springs in Matamata serving God in such an amazing Christian Environment.

There are so many incredible men and women of God involved in this ministry outreach and it is so fantastic to see them all serving God in what ever way they all possibly can - using their gifts and talents that God has given to them.

This weekend was filled with special moments, time with God, time with friends and family, laughter, stress, joy, pain, challenges, little sleep, wet weather and so much more. As well as all of this, there were many inspirational moments and stories.

One that was shared with us Volunteer's was something that some of us had heard during Kids Camp over summer. This was about FROG or F.R.O.G!

F.R.O.G stands for FULLY RELY ON GOD

I had heard this many times before but something about hearing it again this weekend particularly challenged me.

See, the F in F.R.O.G stands for FULLY! The definition of "fully" according to Dictionary.com means entirely or wholly. To me, this meant every single part of our lives - every single thing that we do, we should be relying on God. When this message was being read out to us, one of the things mentioned was along the lines of we tend to rely on God when we are sick but when we are well, we take a 'sweet as' approach to life and think we can and will handle everything on our own.

This is how I have been living my life at times but for me, the FULLY was the key in this.

We need to start fully relying (not just relying) on God for every single thing in and through our lives whether it is a big thing or even the tiniest most insignificant thing. To God, nothing seems as tiny or insignificant as we think it is and he can use those things to transform the lives of others.

Without the F, F.R.O.G would just become R.O.G. Which reflects your life and relationship with God right now and which reflects the life and relationship with God that you want to have in the future?

R.O.G or F.R.O.G?

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