Monday, June 28, 2010

Watch out world, Kath is now legal to drive!!!

I have finally stopped procrastinating (with a little help from Nathaniel and a couple of others) and actually did some more study, got over myself and today I went and sat my theory test to obtain my learners drivers licence!

I was freaking out so much about this that I was not wanting to sit the test at all - i know it seems a little crazy and weird but after sitting it and failing last year in December, I was not exactly excited or thrilled to have to sit the test again.

I ended up going into the AA in Matamata and it just so happened that they had a totally free afternoon for appointments for taking the theory test. I also had the exact amount of money I needed to sit it as I had not spent any of my student allowance from the previous week. Darn it, this all seemed to be working out almost too perfectly, I didn't have any excuses.

An hour and a half later I went back to sit my test and was totally freaking out. Before I got out of Nat's car, he wished me good luck and said he knew I could do it. I just wanted some form of reassurance that I could. I had studied but still did not feel prepared. Once inside I had like 10-15mins before the test and so I sat in a corner and just started praying that God would help me through this - that I would pass and not make an silly mistakes like I did when I sat it back in Decemeber. I also prayed that the questions that I got asked, would be ones which I knew the answer to and that especially the Give Way questions, I would find so easy to answer.
After I had prayed about the test and the outcome, I opened up my road code and did a few moments of last minute cramming. I had no idea what to study so I just ended up opening up my road code and turned to a random page of questions and started reading over them and the answers.


As it turned out, most of the questions I had just looked at when I was cramming, were in the test and not much else was at all. I got down to two questions left in the test and I had already go three wrong. I could not remember if I was allowed to get two or three wrong so was freaking out just a tad. I got the first of the last two questions correct and as for the last question, I had absolutely no idea. With like 8 mins to go, I just hoped and prayed that I was able to get up to three questions wrong and just clicked an answer - I had eliminated 2 so had 2 possibilities left.

Luckly for me, I was able to get up to three questions wrong and so although I got the last question wrong, when I clicked "END TEST", I saw a single green word pop up on the screen....PASSED!!!

I was over the moon and the poor ladies in at the AA had no idea what had just happened (well they knew I had passed but no idea why I was jumping up and down).

After all the paperwork was done and I had my temporary licence, I walked out the door with a huge smile on my face. I got into the car with Nat and showed him my licence. "I PASSED!!!!" So apparently he was happy with that and proud of me because I then received a kiss from him. Nat then asked me if I wanted to drive all the way back to camp because I was now legally allowed to drive :)

My goal was to get my licence by my 20th Birthday... well my birthday is now only four days away and guess who is now legally able to drive? Hehehe

Thank you God for helping me through this and for letting me succeed. Thanks everyone for all your support and encouragement. I know I totally mucked around and procrastinated for 5-ish years with getting my licence but I now finally have my learners so life can now go on (literally) and maybe other things can now happen too. Six months and then I can get my restricted and im going to be aiming to get that as soon as possible so my brother should probably hurry up and go for his.

Watch out world, Kath is now legal to drive!!!

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