Thursday, April 21, 2011



some people in this world (myself included in this statement), need to learn to think before they act, speak or do.

If the rules prohibit you from doing one thing and yet you right ahead and try and do that thing, or even attempt to bend the rules slightly, you know there are going to be consequences. You know that so don't then be all upset and grumpy when you get caught out and have to face the consequences - its not our fault, its your fault because you did the thing in the first place. Oh and honestly people... its called having standards and respecting others at the same time.

Okay, so yes I was slightly annoyed and disgusted with something that happened this evening in my world but also at the same time, I know there have been a couple of things lately (not on the same scale) where I have overstepped the mark and have personally not thought about things before I have acted or spoken.

So as I write this blog and think about one incident in particular, I also think about other times in my life when I have not thought before I have acted, and when I have witnessed others who certainly have not thought before they have acted. I know it sounds silly but its a simple thing to do and could really help prevent you from making mistakes or being in certain situations in the first place.

Also, you only have one true family and whether you like it or not, your family is your family for your whole life.
Its pointless to be annoyed at them and not be speaking to them - you need your family and your friends. They are there for you, just as you should be there for them.... value them, their thoughts and their opinions. Don't let a tiny little insignificant thing turn into a battle between you and the rest of your family.... learn to try and come to a compromise and discuss things rationally - arguments are lame and do not usually help the situation... instead, they add to it and make it worse.

Yea, thats all my lecturing for now.

Night ya'll

Miss Stewy over and out!


It is now Mid-Semester break for the first semster of university for 2011 and flip, I must say that 7 weeks of university is hard but great. Usually it is only 6 weeks for each half semster and then we get a two week break but this year due to the change in term dates because of the Rugby World Cup, we have done 7 weeks, get two weeks off and then have to do another 5 weeks of uni.

Although 7 weeks is hard, I actually prefer it this way this year because then when we get back to university after the break, there is only five more weeks to go and then it is holidays again - YAY!!!!!

So currently, as I said I am on holidays at the moment and I am spending my first week of the break, in Hamilton at Taurima Hostel. For those who have not caught up with the news from the beginning of the year, I am once again living at this incredible place down Cameron Road in Hamilton East. Yes, it is the same place as last year but this year they have put me in charge of 12 teenage boys - scary thought I know!!!!!!!!!!

There are five of us who are RAs (Residents Assistants) and we are all here to help out the residents, be a big brother/sister type figure and be there for them when they need it.

As there are five of us, when it comes to holidays we can take a break like everyone else does but we still need to do our job as well. Therefore, we all roster our holidays and take time off so that there are always at least two of us here at the hostel and it just so happens that this is my week to be at the hostel. Its okay though, it has given me time to work on assignments, breathe, and just relax. Actually, talking of assignments, yesterday I was so onto it, that I finished an assignment which is not due in till Thursday 5th May - talk about early! Now I just need to finish the one which is due in NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!

It is currently Easter Thursday which means that I only have to last another 2 and a half days - 3days before I can eat chocolate again - yep, I gave it up for lent. I did this last year too but for some reason it seems so much harder this year.....

So tomorrow I head away on my 5ish day break - heading off to the wonderful land of Matamata to Totara Springs Christian Centre so I can volunteer and help out at Easter Camp there.

So that is pretty much it for all the gossip at the moment. I hope that these 8-9 blog updates, all in one morning, kind of fill you in on all the happenings over the past 2ish months!

Will blog more after camp, I promise.

I also promise that I will not leave it this long between blogs again as it makes it hard to recall all the information from a month and a half.!!!!

Take care and have a fantastic easter everyone,

May you all remember the reason for the season this Easter and if you are with family and friends, enjoy it and realy value this time that you are with them.

God Bless, and hope to hear from you soon,
Love and blessings,
Kathryn (Stewart aka Pre-Feldon)

Silver Wedding Anniversary

On April 5th, 2011,it was Mum and Dad's Silver Wedding Anniversary. I was intially not going to be able to go home for this but then a couple of things happened up here in Waikato and suddenly I was able to go home. It was going to be a good weekend and the best part was that I was going to surprise mum and dad on the Saturday afternoon or evening at their place - or at least I thought I was.

I walked in the door of my parents house on the Saturday night and just as I walked in the door, they happened to be saying that they would not be surprised if I turned up before the end of the night. Hehe, talk about good timing.

So here are a few photos of the night.

Congratulations to Mum and Dad, on 25 years of marriage!
I know Ash and I have not always made it easy for you two but well done on getting this far and I pray that there will be another 25 years at least!

Mum and dad renewed their wedding vows, I caught up with family friends who I have literally not seen in a year or two and had a great time just being at home with the family and relaxing - away from Hamilton, away from Taurima, and away from University.
Thank goodness for this because earlier in the week, I was starting to feel like things were just getting too much and had a bit of a meltdown....

Thankfully, my fiancé - Nathaniel, reminded me that I was going away that weekend and if I could just hold on till Friday then I would be able to "run away".

I also had a scary thought while I was at home that particular weekend - the year that my parents celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary, will be the year that Nathaniel and I will celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary!

Hopefully we can get a bit of guidance and support from mum and dad with that one :)

Balloons over Waikato

The weekend of Friday April 1st - Sunday April 3rd, Mum and Dad came up to Hamilton, from Hawkes Bay for Balloons Over Waikato and for a bit of a Wedding Planning Session.

Here are some photos from Balloons over Waikato (when my camera decided to be nice to me).

Photos with the Totara Crew after Stephen & Felicity's Wedding

Stephen and Felicity's Wedding March 19th 2011