Thursday, April 21, 2011

Yes, I am still alive!

Hey all,


I really have been slack on the blog updates and have not blogged in over a month - life has just been so busy and have really been trying to concentrate on study and get my priorities sorted.

Okay, so where to begin.....

Study has been going well... I last blogged at the beginning of March which was like the end of the first week of uni for 2011. Lots of readings have been done, assignments are slowly happening and now I am currently enjoying mid-semester break. Will give more details later....

The weekend of March 11-13, was a fantastic one....
For Christmas and his birthday in Decemeber, I had given Nathaniel and voucher for a sunset dinner cruise over the Waitemata Harbour in Auckland. We realised at the beginning of March that this voucher would expire by the end of the month and our weekends were already looking quite busy so decided to go on our cruise that particular weekend.

It was such an awesome feeling, being back up in Auckland again and just relaxing. We realised that at that point in time, we were actually not on NZ Soil at all and we were totally loving that feeling.
It was strange have dinner on a boat at first as you could feel the boat going up and down on the water while trying to eat but overall it was a fantastic night and we throughly enjoyed this - it was neat to be able to celebrate a belated Birthday and Christmas with my fiancé.
Another neat thing about the cruise was that we were able to go past Bastion Point (where Nathaniel and proposed back in January) and see things from a different perspective. Honestly, the cruise was so magical - it was amazing.

Will post some photos in my next blog.

While on the cruise, we got a message from the Captain around 9pm that there had been a massive Earthquake in Japan earlier that evening. You really had not seen a cellphone all evening until the captain mentioned this and then it was amazing to see how quickly cellphones/ipods etc came out and people were connecting with friends and family - making sure that everyone was safe.

The cruise finished about 10pm and then we started the drive back to Hamilton. We were both quite tired so were lucky that we had packed sleeping bags etc in the car as we ended up stopping just outside Huntly to get some sleep.

A night of tossing and turning, cold shakes and then being totally warm again and I woke up at 4ish am. After a while, feel back asleep again and then woke up somewhere around 5.

Got back on the road and then headed towards Hamilton. We were so tired and cold that we just wanted something to eat so it was time for a Maccas breaky before heading back to Taurima.

After the breakfast, we ended up going to a couple of Garage Sales and a quick trip to the supermarket and then I had to say goodbye to my handsome fiancé before I would see him again on Saturday morning.

It was interesting how much i ended up sleeping that Saturday afternoon and how lazy I felt - clearly it was due to a restless night.

Anyway, better finish this blog now before I head off in a totally different tangent.

Love you all,

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