Wednesday, June 8, 2011

so about that list...

Two weeks ago today, I wondered how on earth I would get through the next two weeks of my life and see the light at the end of the tunnel. The list of things that I had to do before the end of semester seemed as if it would never end and the pile of work just seemed to grow and grow. It probably did not help that I was going for the title of "World's Best Procrastinator" at the time - or at least it looked that way.

Two weeks on and the list has basically disintegrated, the pile has diminished and the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter than it has been in a long time - so bright in fact that I feel as if I am outside the tunnel and walking down the path of freedom. Well actually the path of freedom is indeed the one that I now walk, for the next five weeks of my life at least and to tell you the truth, it feels fantastic.

Today at 3:35pm, I handed in my last assignment of the semester and it was such a great feeling - I actually rubbed my hands together afterwards, did a little victory dance in the Faculty of Education foyer, celebrated for a moment or two with colleagues and then headed back home.
So yes, I am now done for five weeks - no study, unless you count wedding planning and engagement party/21st planning in that and I guess that means time to catch up on sleep, relax, go even crazier than normal and enjoy life as much as I can.

To those who are still studying and facing those final assignments and exams coming up, stick at it, knuckle down and work hard and you will be rewarded for your efforts at the end of it all. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it wont get any brighter if you just put off all the work and keep procrastinating.

In the words of the famous Nike saying...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Imagine what we could achieve if we knew we couldn't fail

The other day I was sitting in my room cleaning out things and going through a whole lot of papers and sorting them out. I came across a bit of paper which had a few bible verses on it as well as this one particular quote which I have now, tonight just written a God Spot about for Tuesday night at the hostel....

Thought I would share it with you all... so here goes.

At times in our lives, we struggle to believe that we can achieve something – maybe we feel like this because although we know we could achieve it, at the same time we also know that there is every chance we could fail at what we do.

Fail ourselves, fail our friends, fail our family, fail a test at uni, fail at getting that incredible job we have only dreamed about for a long time – the thing is that sometimes in life no matter how much we believe in things, no matter how much faith we have in succeeding, there is still often a voice inside of us saying that we will fail and therefore its hard to always put 100% into everything we do with our lives

There is so much in my life that I have delayed doing – that I have put off because I do not have enough confidence, because i am afraid of what others might think or say or do and to be honest, putting those things off is just silly... they are my dreams and my goals so I should be able to achieve them but I am scared of failing I guess...


Imagine what we could achieve if we knew we couldn't fail

How different would we live our lives, we probably wouldn't care as much about what or how others thought of us, we would want to give everything a go because there would be no fear of failing.

How much more effort would we put into the things we do, how much more faith in ourselves and in our abilities would we have. How much more time would we spend looking ahead to the future rather than looking back on our failures

I have challenged myself, and I also challenge you all to make a list of what you want to do with your lives – what you want to achieve, where you want to be in 10 years (or even 5 years), what you want to be remembered for when you leave this life. Just make a list of everything that you have ever wanted to do but have been too scared to do because you might fail... just make a list and set about to do those things – set about to live your life the best way that you could and have the attitude in your life of “Imagine what I could achieve if I knew I couldn't fail” remind others to have an attitude in their own lives of “imagine what we could achieve if we knew we couldn't fail”

Also.... exams are coming up – what kind of attitude are you going to have when you prepare for those exams? When you sit that exam? After the exam? What will your attitude be?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The list is getting smaller...

So since my last blog, I have now finished all my classes for the semester and what a fantastic feeling it really is... freedom is seeming closer and closer so that is always a good sign.

What is left on my list before freedom next Wednesday?
1 Music Unit Plan (including two lesson plans)
1 Essay for National Standards
1 Literacy Test (30%) which needs countless hours of study for
Half a summary for my maths unit and explanation on students learning throughout the unit


Freedom is near and I can feel a deep sense of satisfaction for reaching the half point in my degree... only a few more hours of study and assignments to go and then nothing study related for a whole entire month - oh how amazing that will be.

On the other hand, it will be time to get busy Lizy and plan a 21st Birthday Party/Engagement Party,continue with Wedding Planning and at the same time, actually breathe and relax. Not too sure how much of the relaxing will get done but its okay - I WILL try to relax and I WILL enjoy my break. Talking of enjoying my break, I think since there is not too much to do tonight, its time to go and relax and crash on my bed for an hour or so before dinner at 6.

So im sure that is pretty much all the goss on the street for now... not too much more to talk about really but do a nice big blog next week when im finished - an overview of the semester I guess!

Ta ta for now,
God Bless ya'll xxx

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Almost half way

So its nearly the end of Semester A for 2011 - what a scary thought.

Another scary thought that goes along with that, is the thought that I am almost halfway through my Bachelor of Teaching - through all the ups and downs related to study that I have been through in the last year and a half, I have done what I have done and I am almost halfway there.

All that currently stands in the way of me being halfway through my degree is:
1 Music Unit Plan (including three lesson plans)
1 Music Poster - summarising the unit plan
1 Essay for National Standards
6 hours of class
1 hour of teaching
1 reading
1 Literacy Test (30%) which needs countless hours of study for
1 Summary for my maths unit and explanation on students learning throughout the unit

AND GUESS WHAT - once all of that is checked off, I AM DONE! I will then be offically half way through my degree... the fact that I have to do all of this within a week is only minor mere details *cough cough* but the thought of a month of freedom is certainly keeping me going.

Its hard to believe that as our lecturers keep saying, in 18 months, it will be us out there in the big wide world teaching those students and having a class of our own - ekkkkkkk.
I think getting through the next 6 months is enough to focus on for now, especially with everything that is happening in life.

Anyway, time to go and cut down this checklist.

Till next time,
Cheerio xx

P.S Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, cheerios..... oh man, food time I guess! lol

P.P.S Yes mum and Nat, I am now going to do study :)

Jump In Puddles

God Spot – Tuesday 31st May

Cast your minds back to the week of 15th April, 2008. I’m sure most of you were probably in school at the time but can you remember anything that stuck out in the news in that particular week or for the next few weeks?

What if I say the words Elim Christian College?

That one particular day, Elim Christian College lost 6 of its students and 1 significant staff member. That one particular day, a community lost 7 members, a nation lost at least 7 people and the lives of many were shattered in an instant and changed forever.

Our country changed that day and people who had never heard of these 7 people, those who had never met them, suddenly had their lives transformed.

One of the students who past away was Natasha Bray – her best friend Portia McPhail also passed away that day in the same tragedy.

As the minutes, hours, days, weeks and months went by, we heard a lot about the impact that these particular people had on those in their lives and that was evident by the number of people who turned out to each funeral.

Going back to Natasha and Portia... we kept hearing in the media reports how these two girls often had the saying of “jumping in puddles” which can also relate to Ephesians 5:16.

When life was tough; when it was time to make the best of a difficult circumstance, Natasha would 'Jump In Puddles'.

That was her way of saying that she would take a deep breath and do it anyway. She was determined to make her life count for something.”

Like I said last week, one person can make a difference and every one should try – Natasha tried to make a difference by living her life the best she could and jumping in puddles.

It’s a simple yet powerful and inspiring little quote from someone who although she has gone from the ones she loves, she as impacted a whole nation and world.

So in our lives, learn to jump in puddles as Natasha said because tomorrow may never come and as it says in:

Ephesians 5:16 (The Message)
“Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!”

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Seek and bless, not hide.

So once again im meant to be studying (I actually literally was like 5 minutes ago) and instead I am writing another blog entry.

This evening I was sitting in my room doing some research for an essay which is due in in less than two weeks - an essay about National Standards.... YAY!!!

While I was in my room, I noticed that the hallway outside my door was very quiet and then I faintly heard someone playing the guitar and singing - I wondered who it was as it sounded so great so I popped my head out the door and realised that it was one of my boys singing to another resident. He had just written a song and wanted somebody to hear it and see what they thought and honestly, it was amazing.
I knew that Chris was a music student and that he was talented with Piano and Guitar but little did I know how much of a fantastic singing voice he had as he does not usually like singing in front of others.

I went over and talked to Chris and Amy for like 5 mins and just listened to Chris playing and singing. At that moment, I felt so honoured to be a part of both their lives this year and particularly honoured to be Chris' RA for 2011.

Also, last night when I was catching up with another two of my residents, I went and caught up with Jared who is studying something to do with music at WinTec - this guy is yet another awesome dude and what a future he has ahead of him. Im so blessed to have these boys in my care this year.

Jared has done a lot of music stuff in the past and last year while in High School he ended up being asked to be part of a band and tour the USA for 3 months - WOW.... what an opportunity. I love catching up with these guy as I get to find out more and more about them each time I talk to them. I found out that Jared has written a few songs of his own too and also has used a few programs on the computer to mix together a song or two. We got onto the topic of favourite song and I mentioned that Amazing Grace was one of my favourite songs - he then played me a version of Amazing Grace that he had mixed on the computer and to be honest, it literally sounded like a movie soundtrack.

Once again, at this moment, I felt so honoured to be Jared's RA and to be a part of his life this year. These Men of God that have been placed in my life this year have been put here for a reason and im only just beginning to realise the fantastic opportunities I have been handed this year.

Anyway, hearing Chris just now and hearing Jared last night got me thinking about how each and every one of us has our own talents that God has given us yet at times we feel that we have to hide those talents. He has given us these talents for a reason - he wants us to use these talents to the best of our abilities, make the most of the chances we have and use these talents to bless the lives of others. He has not given us these talents for us to have but to hide under a bookself, under a blanket, hide away inside our hearts or whatever - he has given them to us as part of his plan and purpose for our lives.

Don't hide your talents - use them. If you have not yet discovered the full potential of your talents, seek them - its a game of seeking rather than hiding.

So use what is in your hands, use the talents of which God has given you and blessed you with and remember that you are blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Escape

No matter how busy life gets, how much stuff we need to do, how big our checklists get or how how bogged down in things and caught up we get in other things, we need to remember to take care of number one - ourselves.

Yes life can certainly be throwing you a billion million trillion different things all at the same time and it can certainly be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but the most important thing to do is not give up, take a break and make time for yourself and then go back to everything else later.

What is the use in getting so involved in all those other things that you get so tired that you can not achieve what you need to do, to the best of your ability - you can't put 100% into what you need to do. Take time to rest and relax, restore your energy, your mind and then try things again.

A couple of weekends ago at the hostel, it had just been a LONG weekend and it came to the point where early last week, Deborah and myself decided that we just NEEDED to go away for the weekend - it was to the extreme where we knew we had so much to get done that week, we could not even see to the end of the week and we knew that if we stuck around for the weekend, the poor residents would get the full blunt of how we were feeling... totally not fair on the residents.
So instead, we organised things during the week, somehow got through the week and then ran away to spend time with the significant other's in each of our lives for the weekend.
What an incredible escape it was - well I speak for myself when I say that but I know that Deborah and James had a good weekend too.

I wanted to run away from Hamilton, away from Taurima, away from university and not have to be responsible for anyone else for just one weekend - I wanted to forget about all that was sitting back here at my desk waiting for me and just wanted to relax and enjoy myself.

10:30pm swims in a heated pool
watching the stars and moon in the sky with my fiancé
sleeping in till 9 or 10am
sorting out our new bed (which broke - thanks to other people, I PROMISE)
planning for our future
both Nathaniel and I having at least TWO DAYS OFF together where we did not have to travel half way around the country


So moral of the story, no matter what the heck is going on in your life, make time for yourself to just be - just relax, breathe and do nothing but enjoy life.

Its now 10:14pm on Monday night and I have class at 8am tomorrow morning - so much for a 9:30pm bed time. Oh well.... time for sleep now.

Miss Stewy signing off,