Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Escape

No matter how busy life gets, how much stuff we need to do, how big our checklists get or how how bogged down in things and caught up we get in other things, we need to remember to take care of number one - ourselves.

Yes life can certainly be throwing you a billion million trillion different things all at the same time and it can certainly be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but the most important thing to do is not give up, take a break and make time for yourself and then go back to everything else later.

What is the use in getting so involved in all those other things that you get so tired that you can not achieve what you need to do, to the best of your ability - you can't put 100% into what you need to do. Take time to rest and relax, restore your energy, your mind and then try things again.

A couple of weekends ago at the hostel, it had just been a LONG weekend and it came to the point where early last week, Deborah and myself decided that we just NEEDED to go away for the weekend - it was to the extreme where we knew we had so much to get done that week, we could not even see to the end of the week and we knew that if we stuck around for the weekend, the poor residents would get the full blunt of how we were feeling... totally not fair on the residents.
So instead, we organised things during the week, somehow got through the week and then ran away to spend time with the significant other's in each of our lives for the weekend.
What an incredible escape it was - well I speak for myself when I say that but I know that Deborah and James had a good weekend too.

I wanted to run away from Hamilton, away from Taurima, away from university and not have to be responsible for anyone else for just one weekend - I wanted to forget about all that was sitting back here at my desk waiting for me and just wanted to relax and enjoy myself.

10:30pm swims in a heated pool
watching the stars and moon in the sky with my fiancé
sleeping in till 9 or 10am
sorting out our new bed (which broke - thanks to other people, I PROMISE)
planning for our future
both Nathaniel and I having at least TWO DAYS OFF together where we did not have to travel half way around the country


So moral of the story, no matter what the heck is going on in your life, make time for yourself to just be - just relax, breathe and do nothing but enjoy life.

Its now 10:14pm on Monday night and I have class at 8am tomorrow morning - so much for a 9:30pm bed time. Oh well.... time for sleep now.

Miss Stewy signing off,

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