Monday, May 2, 2011

Matt 6:34

So this past week I was at Totara Springs (surprise surprise) and was leading at a Kids Camp. It was a flippin challenging week but it was also literally a life changing week.

Each day there is a particular memory verse which we put to a song and learn. We then get tested on these memory verses just before dinner time each evening. We then also have a massive competition at the end of the week where each camper and leader gets tested on these.

One of the memory verses for this week was:

"Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself.
You have enough to worry about today."
~ Matthew 6:34

This verse was just one of the many things that I needed to hear this week at camp. So often in my life I end up worrying about what is going to happen either tomorrow or at some other point in the not too distant future. Hearing this verse this week reminded me that we need to remember to focus on the time that we are given - life can change in an instant and we do not know if we will even live to see tomorrow... hopefully we will but we can not be sure of this.

We need to stop worrying about tomorrow and pay attention to what God has placed in our hands for today. We have enough to face, experience and overcome today without having to think about what will get thrown at us tomorrow.

It kind of also reminded me of the saying:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery
today is a gift, thats why we call it the present"

So in my life, i know I need to start focusing on what God has placed in front of me for TODAY rather than tomorrow - tomorrow will take care of itself when tomorrow arrives. I encourage each and every one of you who reads this, to think about today rather than tomorrow - enjoy today and make the most of the time that you do have.
Worry about or think about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.

Right, time to pack stuff and head over to uni for a 12pm tutorial.

Kath Stewy over and out,

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