Thursday, May 26, 2011

Seek and bless, not hide.

So once again im meant to be studying (I actually literally was like 5 minutes ago) and instead I am writing another blog entry.

This evening I was sitting in my room doing some research for an essay which is due in in less than two weeks - an essay about National Standards.... YAY!!!

While I was in my room, I noticed that the hallway outside my door was very quiet and then I faintly heard someone playing the guitar and singing - I wondered who it was as it sounded so great so I popped my head out the door and realised that it was one of my boys singing to another resident. He had just written a song and wanted somebody to hear it and see what they thought and honestly, it was amazing.
I knew that Chris was a music student and that he was talented with Piano and Guitar but little did I know how much of a fantastic singing voice he had as he does not usually like singing in front of others.

I went over and talked to Chris and Amy for like 5 mins and just listened to Chris playing and singing. At that moment, I felt so honoured to be a part of both their lives this year and particularly honoured to be Chris' RA for 2011.

Also, last night when I was catching up with another two of my residents, I went and caught up with Jared who is studying something to do with music at WinTec - this guy is yet another awesome dude and what a future he has ahead of him. Im so blessed to have these boys in my care this year.

Jared has done a lot of music stuff in the past and last year while in High School he ended up being asked to be part of a band and tour the USA for 3 months - WOW.... what an opportunity. I love catching up with these guy as I get to find out more and more about them each time I talk to them. I found out that Jared has written a few songs of his own too and also has used a few programs on the computer to mix together a song or two. We got onto the topic of favourite song and I mentioned that Amazing Grace was one of my favourite songs - he then played me a version of Amazing Grace that he had mixed on the computer and to be honest, it literally sounded like a movie soundtrack.

Once again, at this moment, I felt so honoured to be Jared's RA and to be a part of his life this year. These Men of God that have been placed in my life this year have been put here for a reason and im only just beginning to realise the fantastic opportunities I have been handed this year.

Anyway, hearing Chris just now and hearing Jared last night got me thinking about how each and every one of us has our own talents that God has given us yet at times we feel that we have to hide those talents. He has given us these talents for a reason - he wants us to use these talents to the best of our abilities, make the most of the chances we have and use these talents to bless the lives of others. He has not given us these talents for us to have but to hide under a bookself, under a blanket, hide away inside our hearts or whatever - he has given them to us as part of his plan and purpose for our lives.

Don't hide your talents - use them. If you have not yet discovered the full potential of your talents, seek them - its a game of seeking rather than hiding.

So use what is in your hands, use the talents of which God has given you and blessed you with and remember that you are blessed to be a blessing.

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