Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spaces and places for a reason

This year im at Taurima Hostel as an RA and more and more each day, I am getting tired and exhausted - getting over university work and all the assignments that go with it and wanting to just get to the practical part of the degree.

Along with getting more and more tired each day, I am also starting to feel more and more each day why I am here this year - who knew that 12 17yr old+ boys/moys/men could just change my life so much in such a short amount of time.

God sends us to particular places and spaces for a reason and this year, I am honestly so blessed to be where I am. Ive been given a chance to write on the pages of at least 50 other people's lives this year and what an honour it is.

To my incredible Red Bulls, I know life is not easy at times but stay strong in who you are, stay strong in what you believe, believe in yourselves and remember to commit each and every day to God.

To everyone else at Taurima (especially a couple of awesome young ladies - you know who you are), thank you for being there and for reminding me of part of the reason I am here this year. Its so cool to know that you are all there. Your words of encouragement and support and so special and incredible - they came just at the right time and don't worry, I wont stop smiling.

"Taurima means a place of shelter and there is a warm community atmosphere here. It’s like a home away from home where you are looked after well..."

Kind of not sure where I am really going with this but yea, you are all here for a purpose and a reason - it may not be clear now but it will become clearer as the year goes on. You are all super awesome and we love ya very much.

Kath over and out!

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