Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jump In Puddles

God Spot – Tuesday 31st May

Cast your minds back to the week of 15th April, 2008. I’m sure most of you were probably in school at the time but can you remember anything that stuck out in the news in that particular week or for the next few weeks?

What if I say the words Elim Christian College?

That one particular day, Elim Christian College lost 6 of its students and 1 significant staff member. That one particular day, a community lost 7 members, a nation lost at least 7 people and the lives of many were shattered in an instant and changed forever.

Our country changed that day and people who had never heard of these 7 people, those who had never met them, suddenly had their lives transformed.

One of the students who past away was Natasha Bray – her best friend Portia McPhail also passed away that day in the same tragedy.

As the minutes, hours, days, weeks and months went by, we heard a lot about the impact that these particular people had on those in their lives and that was evident by the number of people who turned out to each funeral.

Going back to Natasha and Portia... we kept hearing in the media reports how these two girls often had the saying of “jumping in puddles” which can also relate to Ephesians 5:16.

When life was tough; when it was time to make the best of a difficult circumstance, Natasha would 'Jump In Puddles'.

That was her way of saying that she would take a deep breath and do it anyway. She was determined to make her life count for something.”

Like I said last week, one person can make a difference and every one should try – Natasha tried to make a difference by living her life the best she could and jumping in puddles.

It’s a simple yet powerful and inspiring little quote from someone who although she has gone from the ones she loves, she as impacted a whole nation and world.

So in our lives, learn to jump in puddles as Natasha said because tomorrow may never come and as it says in:

Ephesians 5:16 (The Message)
“Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!”

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