Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Almost half way

So its nearly the end of Semester A for 2011 - what a scary thought.

Another scary thought that goes along with that, is the thought that I am almost halfway through my Bachelor of Teaching - through all the ups and downs related to study that I have been through in the last year and a half, I have done what I have done and I am almost halfway there.

All that currently stands in the way of me being halfway through my degree is:
1 Music Unit Plan (including three lesson plans)
1 Music Poster - summarising the unit plan
1 Essay for National Standards
6 hours of class
1 hour of teaching
1 reading
1 Literacy Test (30%) which needs countless hours of study for
1 Summary for my maths unit and explanation on students learning throughout the unit

AND GUESS WHAT - once all of that is checked off, I AM DONE! I will then be offically half way through my degree... the fact that I have to do all of this within a week is only minor mere details *cough cough* but the thought of a month of freedom is certainly keeping me going.

Its hard to believe that as our lecturers keep saying, in 18 months, it will be us out there in the big wide world teaching those students and having a class of our own - ekkkkkkk.
I think getting through the next 6 months is enough to focus on for now, especially with everything that is happening in life.

Anyway, time to go and cut down this checklist.

Till next time,
Cheerio xx

P.S Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, cheerios..... oh man, food time I guess! lol

P.P.S Yes mum and Nat, I am now going to do study :)

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