Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our planning needs to be flexible and loose – God’s purpose will prevail


Just thought that I would share with you all a message that I did for my God Spot tonight at the hostel....

In the message bible:

“We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails.

~ Proverbs 19:21

Have you ever planned to do something really cool and you thought that you had pretty much every single thing planned out, there was not a single way that your plans could go wrong and then something happens – an obstacle crosses your path and then things don’t go according to plan?

Haha, well I have had that a lot in the last few years and im beginning to notice that for some reason, my plans pretty much never go how I want them to.

Okay, so as most of you know, I am currently studying towards a Bachelor in Teaching – primary teaching.

There are so many lessons that we need to plan and prepare for and in the last few weeks we had had quite a few lessons to teach. One thing that our lecturers and tutors at uni keep saying is that when we go to teach a lesson – it needs to be a well detailed plan, needs to be full of information, and our plans NEED TO BE FLEXIBLE.

In our lives at times, things happen, obstacles cross our path and honestly our plans do not go according to how we thought they would. Those obstacles could be as massive as a family emergency or as small as forgetting to take note of something really important.

Still, this obstacle gets in our way and sometimes, the plan just falls to pieces.
Like in 2009 when I wanted to head to university –
I had enrolled for the mid year intake of primary teaching at Waikato University – got accepted and was getting ready to think about university. Then I got a call from the University of Waikato to say that due to lack of numbers enrolling for the course, the mid year intake had been cancelled and I would have to re-apply for next year. At this point I was just like AHHHHHHHH. I had made my plans, but they were not flexible. I wondered why the heck God was doing this to me and why MY PLANS WERE NOT WORKING OUT! I was totally not ready to start my teaching degree then. If I had started then, I would probably not be here, where I am today – doing this God Spot, being an RA here at Taurima this year.

ANYWAY....Think of the bigger picture –

The plans that we have for our own lives, we think are great plans but the truth is that God has even better plans for our lives than we have for ourselves. God is the builder of our lives, not humans. Don’t be annoyed when things don’t go how you want them to – when you plan, be flexible and hold them loosely.

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail”
~ Proverbs 19:21

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