Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Drama of Life....

Today was a good day - apart from the fact that when I went to bed last night, I still had quite a lot to do on an assignment that was meant to be due in at 4pm today, and apart from the not so great result with an assignment... today was still a good day.

It was an early start in the life of Kathryn Allison Stewart (that is only my last name for a few more months so have to make the most of it :D) and I must say that 8am lectures just do not bring out the happy side in me - however, it was a very interactive lecture and not too boring which was great.

After the 1 hour lecture, it was then on to my drama class from 9-11. Once again, a pretty good class... clearly our teachers had a bit of sympathy for all the work we have going on and the tiredness at the moment coz classes today were so nice and easy. The only hard part was doing a drama on the Tangiwai Disaster of 1953 - we didn't even do the drama properly or go into it as much as we normally would because of time restrictions but man, Drama just has a way of making the tears come. After being told that we were documentary makers, investigating the Tangiwai Disaster, we were each going to be given a piece of paper and were told to imagine this piece of paper as a suitcase of one of the passengers on the Tangiwai. Each 'suitcase' had a name and an age on it and we then had to come up with ideas of things that would be in each persons suitcase and really started to think of each of these people as real human beings.

The tough part was that once we had done this, our lecturer then mentioned that it was pretty much half the people on the train that died that night - half the people on that train never got to see their family or friends again. She then had a list of all the people who died in this Disaster and if the name of the person on our suitcase was on the list, then we had to then discard of those particular items in the suitcase - flip, talk about emotion. Although we did not do this Drama properly, it was still intense emotion and felt a real connection with the events of that particular disaster.

Anyway, after that Drama Lesson, it was then down to Peachgrove Intermediate to teach my Maths Unit to Year 7 students.
After an hourish of teaching, which was hard but good at the same time - hard not to do the work for the student but good in the fact that slowly and surely they were getting the idea of what we were doing, I headed off home back to Taurima with Leigh.

Came home, had a quick lunch date with one or two people and then it was literally time to head upstairs to my room and pretty much lock myself in my room till my assignment was completed.

Got the assignment done and submitted online a whole 6 minutes before it was due - but still it was done. The best part of the day though was actually finishing the assignment and then getting to open a package which arrived for me today - BRIDESMAID DRESSES!!! Hehe, so pretty much they are black, they look amazing and the material is incredible. I think I am in love all over again but it is okay because I know I still want to spend the rest of my life with Nathaniel Charles Feldon.

So yes, plans are slowly and surely continuing to come together in regards to the wedding - still a few months away which is good and I know it seems like a long time right now but I also know that the next few months will just literally fly by.

Anyway, time for sleep as I am on breakfast set up in the morning at Taurima, then its 3 hours of class and then time for a much needed weekend escape to Matamata to spend time with my future husband.

Miss Stewy over and out!

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