Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mop Chop Time!!

On Saturday 16th October, 2010... im sure I did pretty much the most radical thing that I have ever done - I got my hair cut and shaved for an incredible charity known as CanTeen!

I had been thinking about this and planning this for a while but honestly, I was so freaked out and nervous when the day actually arrived. Im now sitting in my bedroom back in Hastings and looking in the mirror actually in love with my new style and wondering how it will go down when I go for my pre-practicum visit tomorrow!

One of the awesome things about the hair shave was that before it actually happened, one of the girls in my hostel ended up praying with me - just for the whole thing. I was so scared before she prayed with me but after saying our prayers, I suddenly felt so much calmer and was actually excited.

The time came and as I sat down in the hotseat, I had Loren (one of the girls from Taurima), holding one of my hands, Nathaniel holding my other hand and literally a whole crowd of support that it was actually amazing. As my hair was being tied up into ponytails, I was actually enjoying the moment and laughing... as soon as the first ponytail was cut off however, I did not want to even see the hair, my reflection or photos. I was so sure that I was going to cry.

about 20mins after I sat in the hot seat, I stood up and looked out at the crowd with my newly styled hair. I could certainly see some tears in the eyes of some people and although I new it was a major change and I had just lost over half of my hair, I had not cried! I was so happy with myself :)

The day was a great success and I was so lucky to have so much support and encouragement from friends and family! You guys rock and I love you all very much.

Taurima 2010, I could literally not have done this without all of your prayers, thoughts and encouragement over the last few months.

You all said that I was brave and amazing but to be honest, i think it is people like Talia, Amy and my brother who have faced the battle of cancer and have come out victorious - they are the brave ones, they are the inspiration!

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