Friday, August 27, 2010

Glass Bottles

Was having a conversation to someone on msn tonight and then all out of the blue (or actually more like, from God) I got this random "picture" to share with this person I was talking to.

At the time we were talking about how hard life is at times and some of the struggles this person is going through currently. She is a Christian but is also having a rough time with God at the moment. Well with me being me, I naturally tried to drop God into the conversation and I actually succeeded (or at least God did, through me).

Right, here we go and I apologise in advance if it does not make much sense.

The image I got from God was of our lives being like a glass bottle.

What happens to a glass bottle when it is dropped on concrete? The glass bottle smas
hes and breaks up into lots of pieces of glass - some pieces so big that we notice them in an instant and others so small that we don't notice them at all. You then find it hard to avoid the glass and potentially stand on it,your foot bleeds and you get glass stuck in it.


Well when our lives "hit the concrete" so to speak, it seems like it all shatters into a billion pieces and our hearts "bleed" and long for more - long for something better than what we are facing and instead of moving on from there, we get "stuck in the glass" and stay right where we are or even let
the glass sink further into ourselves.

When God comes in, he is like the ultimate mender or fixer and restores that bottle to the way it was or he makes a better bottle. He "mends", "fixes" or "restores" our lives and makes a "better bottle" out of our lives.

God can come in and restore that grief, loneliness, heartbreak and whatever else we feel. He can mend, fix or restore that smashed bottle and he can make a better bottle. God can make our lives so much more than they are or ever were but we just have to let him come in and "Fix that broken bottle".

Now I could type (and you could read) for hours about God and what he can do for you, and what he has already done for each and every one of us but the choice is up to you and you alone!

What does your bottle look like now?

If your glass bottle is broken right now, will it remain broken or will you allow the glass maker/ultimate mender/fixer/restorer to take over?

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