Friday, August 20, 2010

"I serve a man who has a plan"

At church last Sunday (after a crazy weekend at ARISE Conference), I was meant to be on Dynamite (Kids Church) for both the morning and the night service.

In the morning service, we didn't really have that many children turn up so Phylicia (the person in charge) said I could pop into the service if I wanted to.

I went in and praise and worship was just finishing and it was so great to be able to hear some of the songs we had sung at conference.

People got up and share a few testimonies of what happened to them at conference and how conference has changed their lives.

We then had Pastor Glyn Barett get up and speak. What an amazing speaker he is.
His word was about serving a man who has a plan and how every single little thing in our lives and the lives of those before us has happened for a reason and is the reason we are where we are today.

His grandfather had been in the war and been shot twice on different occassoions. If those shots had been like a centimeter or even a millimetre off, then his grandfather may have been killed and Glyn would not be alive today.

When Glyn's father was growing up, Glyn's grandfather was the leader of the Communist Party in their area. One day Glyn's father was playing soccer with a bunch of boys (probably all around 12 years old), and there was one 40 year old on the field trying to re-gain his youth. Glyn's father ended up doing something and injured one of the boys legs or knees (can't quite remember). He then said to Glyn's father, I will forgive you if you come to church with me on Sunday. WOW - Big thing to say to the son of a communist party leader.

Glyn's father ended up going to church and eventually became a Christian, went to bible college and started up his own church (IN A CHICKEN COOP)!! All of this was happening because God new that Glyn would be someone who would serve a man who has a plan.

Years later, Glyn himself (and his wife Sophie) start up a church of their own after many years of being unsure about what God was telling them to do. The first person to get saved in their church was a girl who at the time was cutting herself and was doing drugs. If those shots at Glyn's grandfather had been slightly different, Glyn's father would have not gone to church, become a Christian, gone to bible college and started up his own church. Glyn himself would not have been born and would not have started up this church in the United Kingdom. This one particular girl would not have been saved and would still to this probably be cutting herself and taking drugs.

There is so much more to tell but I will leave it there for now. All of this has happened because Glyn and others in his life, serve a man who has a plan.

Everything that happens in our lives, happens for a reason. At the time of hearing this message, I knew I had needed to hear it. Straight after Glyn had finished sharing his word, I ran back to Dynamite and gave Phylicia a big hug and said thank you because I had needed to be in church to hear that message.

So often in our lives we want things to happen then and there... we want them NOW and when it doesn't happen we get annoyed such as me not getting into univeristy last year. I was really annoyed with God at that but thinking about it now, I probably would not be at ARISE Church (as I would not have gone to Wellington first), I would not be living in Taurima and having one of the best years of my life, helping others turn towards God and I would probably not even have got back into Christian camping or being in a relationship with Nathaniel Feldon right now. Basically in a Nut Shell, my life would be completely different and all of those people I have had an impact on this year, would probably not be part of my life.

Who know's where I would be right now if it was not for that fact that "I serve a man who has a plan."

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