Friday, August 20, 2010

Practicum 2010 - Heretaunga Intermediate!

All first year Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) Students (at Waikato University), do a practicum of four weeks at the end of the year. Basically this means four weeks of being an actual teacher and putting all the things we have learnt throughout the year into practice - or at least attempting to.

At the moment, there is a massive list of schools to select from on a database. We make five selections and then once the database closes, its pretty much all up to the computer from here and the computer makes the final selection. I guess that is fair enough since there are like 160 of us to make decisions for.

I was looking on the database a couple of weeks ago and trying to see if I could get a school in Hawkes Bay for my practicum. None of the schools were avaible so I emailed the lecturer in charge of it all and pretty much asked him to work his magic and see if I would be able to get a school in Hawkes Bay. He emailed me back and the next day I was sitting in his office having a meeting with him
about possible schools.

A week later, I get an email back from him to say "Hi Kathryn, FYI, Regards Mark"
Attached with the email was a copy of what he had sent to David Lunny at Heretaunga Intermediate.

So long story short, im going back to my old intermediate for practicum at the end of the year which will be interesting but I know it will be a challenge that I can handle and honestly, im just going to place it all in God's hands and let him do the work through me.

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