Friday, August 27, 2010

Want to make a difference in our world? Start now with NZ!

One thing with me is that I always have a desire to help out those who are struggling or are in need. This is something that I have always done and probably will continue to do for the rest of my life.This can often have its pros and cons but I still strive to do my best.

The other day I was thinking about everything happening overseas and had a real burning within my heart. There is so much drama and war and many other things out in the big wide world that I wish I could help with right now.

The more that I thought about this though, the more I realised that yes there is so much of this happening in the world but there is also so much of this happening in our own backyard.

As one of my friends from Taurima said the other day when I posted this as my facebook status, "God is calling us, the people of NZ to make a difference to ourselves and our country before tackling the wider problems in the world! If we don't clear ourselves up first, we'll be picking splinters out of others' eyes but missing the planks in our own! - God."

Its time to clean up NZ people, if we want to make a difference in the world, it starts right here.

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