Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Semester B

This week is our second week of Semester B for 2010! Wow, the year is going by so fast that it is actually quite scary.

Tuesday's this semester are going to seem very very long indeed but I have decided to have a positive attitude and just let the days and weeks come and go as they will - take each day one at a time. The reason that Tuesday's this semester are going to be long is because I have placement at a local primary school in the morning, then head back to uni and have class from 1-4, have an hour break then have class from 5-6! YIKES!

Today was also my first day of placement for the semester. To be honest, I was really looking forward to placement again but did not want to go into another class and have to swap year levels that we would be teaching - I just wanted to be stubborn and continue being in Room 11 and having year 5 & 6 students.

Well guess what - its a new semester which means a new class room and a new year level for teaching. I was kind of sad about that but knew it was coming. Already I know a few names of students in the class (the trouble makers of course :P) and yes I can already tell that God is totally going to challenge me this semester but I know that I will be able to pull through it all.

The teacher of the class we are in has been now teaching for 20 years which is a completle difference to our Associate Teacher from last semester who was only into her second year of teaching but one thing that I have learnt from these teachers already is that they have so much they are willing to give pour into the lives of their students - all their students have to do is be willing to receive that. I can't believe that I never realised how much our teachers were actually willing to pour into our lives - I only hope that I can do that for my future students and that someday they too will realise.

So yea anyway, this semester is going to be crazy busy but at the same time, I have a feeling it is going to be an incredible semester and its going to be one that I will look back on in years to come and know that it was a major turning point in my life.

So heres to the second half of 2010 and the begining of life as a 20 year old, who puts her faith in trust and Christ, who passed ALL her papers last semester and who can now legally drive!

Love and blessings,
Kath xox

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