Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Semester A

So as much as I procrastinated and did not study that well last semester, I can now officially say that I managed to pass all of my 6 papers! I had a slack attitude last semester and my organisation was pretty much crap. I am honestly so amazed that I passed ALL of my papers in the end, especially some of the results that I got.

One of my papers, I got a D in an assignment and so was freaking out about the rest of the results I would get and the weightings and percentages.... well with God's help and direction, somehow I managed to pass that paper with an overall grade of a B-!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS :)

I was soooooooooooooo close to not getting a pass in one or two of my papers but with God's help I managed to come out with passing all papers. The results were not the best they could have been and although I got a couple of A's in different assessments throughout the semester, I passed my papers with three overall C+ grades, a B- grade, a B grade and lastly a B+ grade!

This semester is time to knuckle down and get into the hard work. STUDY STUDY STUDY and less time on facebook.

No longer is my motto:

"C's get degree's"

but instead

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed"
~ Proverbs 16:3


"I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me"
~ Phil 4:13

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