Friday, July 30, 2010

Wildberry Herbal Tea!

Tonight as I was attempting to do study, I decided to have a cup of Wildberry Tea. This was a nice tasty cup of tea till I left it on a shelf which sits on my desk. At the time, I had a whole heap of papers and uni books on my desk and I accidently knocked something over.....
A few seconds later it was literally Wildberry Tea - EVERYWHERE! Luckily the tea missed my laptop which was also on my desk but it did soak a whole lot of my papers for uni.

Memo to self, do not leave drinks of colour liquid on your desk at the same time as a whole heap of important papers!

The awesome thing about this though was that somehow this Willberry Herbal Tea incident branched out into an incredible conversation with someone I have not talked to in a long time!

She asked me while I was talking to her if my laptop had got
some tea on it or not and my automatic response (without even without about it) was something a
long the lines of "Nope, thanks God!"

From here we just had an amazing conversation about God
and apparently I gave her some things to think about.

Although the herbal tea incident was not great at the time, what came from that incident was just amazing. It was honestly a blessing in disguise!

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