Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A week can make a massive difference :)

A week ago I was sitting in the lounge room at the house of one of my "Life Group" leaders hearing about ARISE Conference in Wellington and how close it now was. I had heard about this for the last few months at church and thought "yea, maybe ill go" and then for some reason, I had still not got around to booking my ticket/my spot at conference (even when the tickets were only like $50 - AH-MAZE-ING price by the way).

I made up excuses such as "ohh I have five hours of class that day" or "I don't think I can afford it" and so on and so forth - not really orignal excuses I know but meh *shrugs shoulders*

I decided last Thursday that I did actually want to go to conference and I knew that it was now getting late in the process and there may not be many spaces left on the bus and I also knew that it would be hard to come up with the money. I prayed and said to God, that if he wanted me at conference, then he would make the funds avaible for me to go.

I talked with mum and dad about re-organising a bit of money in my account, also got an unexpected tax refund and then a late birthday present too! Long story short, a week later I now only have to find about $12 for costs for Conference as apose to about $200 which would have included accommodation, travel to and from wellington, a couple of meals as well as the price of the ticket for conference!

What makes this story even better is that I emailed all of my tutors which I would have had class with on the Thursday and Friday of that week to see if it was okay if I miss class - guess what.... I have heard back from four out of five tutors and they have all so far said yes that is totally fine (even though I have five hours of one paper on that Thursday!!!)

Thank you God so much. You are incredible!

A trip to Wellington means that I will also hopefully get to catch up with my nanny families and see my nanny children from last year - I know they will have grown but I would love to see them all again!

Wellington, I have missed you so much and can not wait to come and see you again in a couple of weeks.

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