Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 10 - A Letter to a Camper

When I was back in Hawkes Bay for mid-semester break, I was going through my room (which had been converted into an office at some point while I was in Hamilton) and clearing out a whole heap of stuff. I decided that I wanted to throw away some things and really start to sort out what I wanted/needed to keep and what I didn't.

In my bedroom at home in Hawkes Bay, I have a shoebox (or now two actually), of all my birthday and christmas cards from the 5-10 years as well as every letter that I remember receiving in the mail (at camps, school or just at home) during that time.

I realised that the lids of these boxes didn't really sit properly anymore so thought it was time to go through and sort out these "Letter Boxes" as I call them.

I found a letter in one of these boxes from a camper who I had lead at Camp David back in 2008. She had written the letter to me at the end of January in 2008 and it was such an amazing letter. I think if I remember correctly, she was about 8 when she was in my team so she would now be about 10 or 11. As soon as I saw that letter from her, I started to cry because it brought back memories of Camp David and also I realised that I had not yet replied to her letter and there were some questions that she wanted answered in that letter.

It was one of those Godly moments in my life where I knew straight away that I NEEDED to reply to her letter and I needed to do it sooner rather than later which is where my "something new" for today comes in.

My "something new" for today, ended up being actually setting aside time to just sit down, relax, read this letter that Kate had sent me over two years ago and then write a reply to her. I wanted to write so much to Kate but was not sure what her reaction would be to receiving the letter. For the first time ever (apart from when we actually had to at camp), I wrote a letter (a long overdue letter I might add) to one of my previous campers and posted this in the mail.

Letter to Kate - CHECK!

Now just to write a letter to Ragna, M & W and a couple of others.

Thanks so much September for actually making me do some things that I normally wouldn't do.

God Bless,
Love Kath

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