Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 25 - You're coming with me, now! No questions please....

On Saturday (September 25th), it was a reasonably good day for weather and I was tucked up in my room ATTEMPTING to do yet another assignment! I must say that I did have some good ideas going at one point but then there were other times when I just wanted to rip up my stupid 60% assignment or throw it out the window! Grrrrrrrrrrrr

So yes, all was going well until I heard a knock on my neighbour's door from our RA Laura - for those who do not know Laura, she is very much a strange person.... I would almost go as far as saying that she is as strange as me! She is such a lovely and sweet person and always makes us laugh when we need to. Laura is an incredible person who has made our first year of university life, so much easier and more bearable for us.

Oh and the other thing was Nicole (my neighbour) was also trying to do a massive assignment. Anyway, so yes I heard a knock on Nicole's door and it was Laura saying something (in her American Accent) about "your coming with me now, no questions please." At this point in time I was thinking to myself, wow, what a strange RA and then I was also hoping that she would not then turn around and knock on my door because I really really needed to finish this assignment and I didn't want to say NO to an RA. Well turns out I was not hoping nor praying hard enough as Laura then knocked on my door.

Three mins later - Nicole and I were both walking down our corridor, following Laura into the world of the unknown with only one or two questions being asked. The thing was we both knew we had to do our assignments but we also knew that we needed a break at some point!

We went on our random walk with Laura and it was actually very fun. We had a great chat and ended up talking about the smell of rain. Laura got down to smell the rain on the road and so did Nicole. I was reluctant to do this as I thought for some reason they were kissing the road (what weirdos). I ended up getting down and kissing the road and after a couple of laughs, all made sense.

Laura ended up taking us to the shop down the road and we had an ice-cream each, went across the road from the shop, sat down on the footpath like great old 1990's kids and ate our ice-creams.

It was an incredible random trip with Mumma Laura and it was the first time that I have done a random trip like so with Mumma Laura. Thanks for the awesome discussions Nicole and Laura.

The assignments ended up getting finished eventually and we all had a fantastic day - I think!

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