Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 17 - 7am Prayer Meeting & Dancing in the I mean HAIL?!?

ARISE Church in Hamilton holds a prayer service at the Chapel at Waikato Uni, every second Friday Morning at 7am! After being part of this church since the end of February this year, I realised a few days ago, that I still had not been to a 7am prayer service over at uni. This was probably because I get really lazy in the mornings, especially this semester when I don't start class till 1pm on a Friday.

This morning I decided that I would get up and go to the Uni prayer meeting at 7am and considering I only live like a 5min walk away from uni, thought this would be a fantastic idea! Although the early morning was difficult at first, the prayer service was fantastic and a great way to start the day.

Another something new for today was to do with this storm which is apparently the size of Australia and this storm moving across Hamilton. I can't actually remember the last time I saw hail let alone being able to dance in hail and I actually don't know if I have danced in hail before or not. So just to make sure it is something new, I will say "seeing Hail in Hamilton" was something new and "dancing and playing in the hail as a 20 year old" was also something new.

Yup, so thats Day 17 of something new! Ta ta for now

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