Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lead up to Christmas

I thought that since it is now 2011, I had better do a quick blog about Christmas 2010 and what has happened in life since then :)

This year I was lucky enough to spend my first Christmas with Nathaniel (my family went away for Christmas last year to Nelson so we could not spend Christmas together). Christmas 2010 was certainly busy but will also be a Christmas that I will remember for a long time.

We went to a Wedding at Totara Springs on December 18th and it was also Nathaniel's birthday.

Sunday December 19th included a trip over to Hamilton for the Christmas Production by ARISE Church and also getting soaked in the rain and cold of that day. It was also time to recover from a late night the night before and enjoy a bit of time with each other. It was hard to stay awake even at 7pm on Sunday night so we ended up heading out with some friends from camp, to McDonald's for food. This was so entertaining as im sure so many people thought we were drunk but honestly we weren't - just extremely OVER TIRED!! We then headed over to the Warehouse and did a 15min $5 challenge to see who could find the best item :) This was also another good way to pass time and by the time we got back to camp, we had managed to waste close on 90mins and were certainly ready for bed.

On Monday it was time to pack up my "house", clean it and move into my new accommodation ready for Summer. Nat also needed to clean up his house and we decided to get packed and ready for our trip away for Christmas. Neither of us were very motivated and pretty much no one was at camp this day so cleaning took a lot longer than usual.

Tuesday meant getting up early and travelling from Matamata to Hastings. Amazingly, I was ready to leave by 7:30am.... in fact we were actually onto the main road by 7:30! That would have totally not happened if it were mum and dad trying to get me organised early in the morning... lol. We also went out to catch up with my poppa and cousin before they both headed away for Christmas and New Year.

Wednesday included a catch up with a few people as well as a trim on my hair and tips about styling my hair from my hair dresser. It was good to be able to catch up with my hair dresser again as we always have a laugh or two and enjoy just chatting about the previous few months.
After my hair appointment, it was time to travel down to Palmy and catch up with Donna and Phily!

After staying the night in Palmerston North and Phil and Donna's flat (and talking to almost midnight with Donna), we headed down towards Levin to catch up with Nat's oldest brother and sister in law as well as their children. We also spent time with Nat's mother and helping her sort out a couple of things in her new house. While in Levin, we also went to the RJ's licorice factory and spent about $80 on licorice between us - some was for camp and some was for Christmas presents but still it was quite a bit. Although I guess I can't complain too much as it was much cheaper than buying it at a supermarket. Thursday night we also went out to Rongotea and had dinner with Nat's brother Andrew at his place. Was cool just to be out a major area for a while and just CHILAX!

Friday was CHRISTMAS EVE!!! It was pouring with rain in Palmerston North and so we decided to ditch the rain and head to Feilding to catch up with Nat's sister in law and his nieces and have a quick christmas with them since we wouldn't be able to see them all on Christmas Day. Wow, talk about queues in supermarkets on Christmas Eve. Hehe, we also got a few last minute Christmas Presents and did a simple drive around Palmerston North on Friday night to see some of the Christmas Light Displays. I must say that it truly did feel like Christmas after this apart from the fact that my parents and my brother were no where in sight and we did not go to a midnight service.

Monday, December 13, 2010

2010 Thoughts!!!!

Greetings Readers :)

I have just been hanging out on the wonderful world of facebook and have been having a Taurima flashback night. What an amazing year I have had this year and I feel truly blessed with the people that have come into my life, the opportunities I have been given, the challenges I have faced and most importantly, the support and strength from others (especially my creator) that has helped me to get through this year.

Its nearly the end of 2010 and I can honestly say that I am certainly not the same person I was when the clock struck midnight on December 31st 2009, signalling a new year, a new chapter and a new dream to be realised.

2010 has been a year of growing and its only through the people that I have come into contact with and the people who I was already in contact with, that I am sitting her typing this blog, a feeling like a whole new person. Its amazing how much difference a year can make in your lifestyle. To all those who have made 2010 all I could imagine and so much more, thank you, thank you, thank you.

For all those amazing people, here is a bit of a song that some people from Taurima 2010 performed at the end of the year as a goodbye song - well I thought it was a good song to put with this blog. Each and every one of you, because I have known you, I have been changed for good!

For Good - From "Wicked"

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you

Because I knew you
I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better

And because I knew you..
Because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good...

In all the hype and excitement of Christmas this year, lets not forget the reason for the season :)

Love and blessings to each and every one of you as we head into the festive season - this special time of year, a time for family to be together, a time for laughter and joy.

May you all have a very merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year as you reflect on 2010 and look forward to what 2011 has to bless you with.

Miss Stewy,
over and out!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas is on its way....

Okay, so its now the second day of December for 2010 and there is just so much to report about. But for now all I will say is that man I am loving summer even if this is only the second official day.

Will fill you all in on practicum things later as that will be a few blogs worth.

Yesterday advent began and to be honest, I was not sure how Christmas would feel this year (or at least the lead up to Christmas) but so far its amazing. At the moment I am living away from home (Hawkes Bay) again and am spending my lead up to Christmas up at Totara Springs in Matamata - i think I know the Chef there..... hehe

When I moved up here last week, I asked mum if I could take one of her handmade material advent calendars with me so I could still make it seem like Christmas time. So far this is going awesome and I am moving a wee teddy bear along to a different pocket each day of the advent journey.

Also, tonight after Nathaniel finishes work, we are thinking about heading into town and buying a Christmas Tree from the Warehouse and decorating this with a few of the other volunteers tonight so sorting through a whole heap of decorations at the moment :) Hehe, im so happy and excited. Another thing that makes me feel like Christmas is in the air and on its way, is the hearing of Christmas Carols on the Radio etc and now im actually allowed to play them, so guess what im doing while writing this blog update.

On Monday, Nathaniel and I both had off work and so we went shopping for Christmas presents. We went across to Tirau which is like a 15-20min drive and after heading into a few shops and looking at a couple of Art Galleries, we decided to have a look at a Christmas Shop. When I walked into this shop it was literally like walking onto the set of an American Christmas Movie - incredible. Anyway, we decided to start a tradition and buy a single Christmas decoration each which was an awesome thing to do. We will build on this collection each year and who knows how big our collection could be one day :)

From the land of a Happy Christmas Camper,
take care and God Bless,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Taurima Journey is not over!

Okay, so after my last blog update about having a job at Totara Springs over the summer, I mentioned in that blog that I was not yet sure about whether I would be an RA nest year at Taurima Hostel or not... well since then, I have heard back from the hostel.

On Tuesday morning, while I was on practicum at Heretaunga Intermediate, I had a phonecall on my cellphone - of course I did not realise this till aftetwards at lunch when I checked my cellphone. The missed call was from the hostel manager.

Pretty much, I have been offered a position of RA next year at Taurima if I want it and when I found out I was literally over the moon. I will be employed by the hostel and will be working for the hostel and the Taurima Trust Board, having an impact in the lives of others and getting to once again step out of my comfort zone. I'm so excited for what next year has instore, my life is all once again falling into place and I no longer have to worry about where I will live next year!

Basically, MY TAURIMA JOURNEY IS NOT OVER and I am so pleased and grateful for that. Next I will be taking so many pictures, scrapbooking, laughing and enjoying myself, having the year of a lifetime and making sure that it is a year to remember!

Next year will be a year of challenges and excitement but i'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to shape me, challenge me and guide me through the next 12-18 months of my life.

So from the bedroom of a future RA for Taurima Hostel,
ta ta for now (ttfn)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Summer Job - CHECK!

So just a wee update for everyone....

Practicum is going amazingly awesome and honestly although members of the class have their moments, I could not be blessed with a more incredible and amazing base class and Associate Teacher (AT) for practicum. Today I did the roll and did a whole heap of planning (during class time) and learnt a few more "tricks of the trade". Tomorrow the lessons begin :)

Prac finishes on November 19th and as of 3:30pm that afternoon, MY SUMMER BEGINS!!!! Up until I got back from Camp Wakarara, I was not exactly sure of what I would be doing over summer this year.

I now know what I am doing for the last week of December and all of January - thank you Jesus for Totara Springs Christian Centre.... I love this place so much!

Now just to sort a job for November 22nd - December 25th

Miss Stewy over and out!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Camp Wakarara

Today was the end of my first week of practicum with Room 16 of Heretaunga Intermediate. It is hard to believe how quickly this week has gone by but to be honest it has been such an enjoyable week that I am glad the week did not go any faster.

This week was my first week with this fantastic class and talk about a way to be thrown in the deep in. First up for my first ever practicum was School Camp! Camp Wakarara - a camp that I personally had not been to before but that friends as well as a family member or two had been to before. I knew that it would be colder than Hastings and I also knew that there was to be an extremely long walk on the Thursday up to Sunrise Hut but that was pretty much all that I knew.

Looking back on such and adventure filled week, I am pleased that I did not know much about camp or how the week would run at the beginning of the week. I feel that I would not have learnt as much during the week if I did know. Lets just say that there is a lot more to a school camp than meets the eye.

Camp Wakarara 2010......
  • Problem solving,
  • surviving without electricity,
  • making hot chocolate for 30+ on a small gas cooker with hot milk and chocolate,
  • long drops,
  • fun and games,
  • class work,
  • cooking,
  • camp fires,
  • tent pitching,
  • hiking/tramping,
  • laughing,
  • growling,
  • taking photos,
  • BBQ's,
  • steam studies,
  • early mornings,
  • long days,
  • endless nicknames,
  • late nights,
  • smores,
  • night patrol,
  • bush walks,
  • camp food,
  • cold showers,
  • getting to know students
and so much more were all part of my incredible week this week.

Room 16 of Heretaunga Intermediate, you are all super troopers and such awesome people. I have had a fantastic week this week and just wanted to say thank you very much for letting me be a part of your camping experience. It certainly was a great way to get to know you all and guess what.... WE ALL SURVIVED THE WALK TO SUNRISE HUT!

Each and every one of you should be proud of what you have achieved at Camp Wakarara for 2010 and I hope that you remember this camp for years to come.

Look after yourselves, look after each other and ALWAYS reach for the stars - strive to be the best that you can be and you will go far in life.

Love and blessings,
Miss Stewart

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Practicum 2010 begins!

So today is my very first day of Practicum for 2010!!!!

I know it will be a challenging time during practicum and I also know that there will be a few students who will just want to keep pushing my buttons no matter what I or they do but another thing that I definitely know is that this week is going to be incredible. This week I am heading away with my class and my Associate Teacher to Camp Wakarara for four days and three nights and going to have a blast - apparently it was very cold up there last week so hopefully the weather will be nice for us this week.

But honestly, Camp for my very first week of practicum - could anyone ask for a better first week of practicum, a better way to get to know their students and build up trusting and supportive relationships with them?

Time to go as I need to be at school at 7:30am but have a great week everyone and keep tuned for more postings when im back from camp.

Over and out,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Today I finally finished my very last assignments for 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS FREEDOM TIME - for a day or two at least!

All assignments are done, relaxing in Hawkes Bay, family dinner is done and now just pre-practicum visit and sorting out my bedroom to go! Yay for having a break :)

This year has zoomed by, i now only have four weeks teaching to go and then I am officially one third of the way through my teaching degree - considering during our easter holidays this year we were all saying we were one twelth of the way through and now its ONE THIRD!!!! *happy dance*

From the bedroom of Kathryn Stewart in Hastings,
ta ta for now!

Last night at Taurima

My last night living at Taurima was an eventful night and I can not believe that the year has come to an end so quickly!!!

After shaving my hair on Saturday, I thought that I had just done the most radical thing of my life but maybe after my last night at Taurima, im not too sure. Anyway,here is a blog which my neighbour Nicole, posted on her blog after our awesome outing on Sunday 17th October 2010.

"Ladies and gentlemen (gentlemen? Do any guys still keep track of my blog these days?), it is official: I am now a Liberated Women. I am free from the constraints society puts on us. Not in an angry-scary-feminist way though, I should point out, since that's vaguely the first thing that comes to mind. I am Liberated in an awesome-free-feminist way. As of Sunday night, I am a member of a secret sisterhood of Liberated Women.

Sounds very over the top, I know. But it was that sort of night. What started with a year-long running joke, spurred on by the fact it was Kath's final night at the hostel, ended with some very intense bonding in the middle of a field and a night none of us will ever forget. It was brilliant. Thank you, Mama Laura!!

So, now I'm no longer running across fields in the moonlight, what is it to be a Liberated Woman? I'm not a hundred percent sure of the definition, or if it's even definable at all. However, there's this quote on my bedroom wall which immediately caught my eye when we returned to the hostel. I think this sums up my particular brand of Liberation quite nicely:

You're only a teenager. You're not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tonnes, use manners and try something new. Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness and regret nothing. Don't laugh at people's dreams and wish on 11:11. Challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should always make time to dance in your underwear and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life."

Thank you to Laura and Nicole for the most epic outing that we have had. Rachel Griffiths, thanks for putting my with my weirdness on that last night.

October 17th 2010 will certainly be a night to be remembered for years to come... and who says that Christians don't know how to have fun. Lol

Mop Chop Time!!

On Saturday 16th October, 2010... im sure I did pretty much the most radical thing that I have ever done - I got my hair cut and shaved for an incredible charity known as CanTeen!

I had been thinking about this and planning this for a while but honestly, I was so freaked out and nervous when the day actually arrived. Im now sitting in my bedroom back in Hastings and looking in the mirror actually in love with my new style and wondering how it will go down when I go for my pre-practicum visit tomorrow!

One of the awesome things about the hair shave was that before it actually happened, one of the girls in my hostel ended up praying with me - just for the whole thing. I was so scared before she prayed with me but after saying our prayers, I suddenly felt so much calmer and was actually excited.

The time came and as I sat down in the hotseat, I had Loren (one of the girls from Taurima), holding one of my hands, Nathaniel holding my other hand and literally a whole crowd of support that it was actually amazing. As my hair was being tied up into ponytails, I was actually enjoying the moment and laughing... as soon as the first ponytail was cut off however, I did not want to even see the hair, my reflection or photos. I was so sure that I was going to cry.

about 20mins after I sat in the hot seat, I stood up and looked out at the crowd with my newly styled hair. I could certainly see some tears in the eyes of some people and although I new it was a major change and I had just lost over half of my hair, I had not cried! I was so happy with myself :)

The day was a great success and I was so lucky to have so much support and encouragement from friends and family! You guys rock and I love you all very much.

Taurima 2010, I could literally not have done this without all of your prayers, thoughts and encouragement over the last few months.

You all said that I was brave and amazing but to be honest, i think it is people like Talia, Amy and my brother who have faced the battle of cancer and have come out victorious - they are the brave ones, they are the inspiration!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Night Before Hair Shave

Some of the photos taken the night before my hair shave - October 15th, 2010

Photography by: Chelsea McConnell
Location: Waikato University Campus & Cameron Road - Hamilton East

Thanks so much Chelsea McConnell - you are incredible and it was such a cool time taking these photos with you!

Semester B is over!!!

Friday signalled my last day of classes for the first year of my Teaching Degree! Thank goodness that classes are now over, now its time to get crack-a-lacking on those assignments and TRY and get everything done that I need to before moving out of Taurima.

Im so grateful that no matter what I have felt like with uni this year, I have stuck it out and finished all my classes - its such a fantastic feeling when I look back and know that I had my ups and downs but stuck at it and have succeeded.

2 assignments and 2 portfolios all to do before I move out... yikes

RA Application Update

Okay, so for those who do or do not know, I am currently in the process of applying to be an RA (Residents Assistant), next year at Taurima Hostel. Pretty much it is the coolest way to spend a year of my life, studying at uni, working at the hostel and spending time playing a major part in the lives of those who I will meet - guiding and supporting people through their first and second years of university.

On Wednesday morning before I had class, I had my interview for the postion of an RA and before going into the interview, I was completely terrified and nervous. Looking back, im not sure why I felt like this but I did and now it just seems silly.

Hopefully this interview also went well in the eyes of those who were asking all the questions. I guess I will find out soon enough wether I am an RA next year or not but till then, I guess it is head down and studying hard to finish out this semester and my first year of university.

My dear and oh so wonderful blog (and blog readers),
I have missed you mucholy! Its been a long time since I have written and I can not believe that I have neglected you so much.

Last week I was out at Totara Springs Christian Centre for a few days, being a leader at a Ministry Camp out there - Junior Kids Camps are amazing! I had a blast and it was such an awesome week. The campers were great, I needed a break from uni, my co leader was fantastic and my Leader In Training aka Activity Helper was such a blessing to have. Overall, it was just a blast and the days went by so quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to come back to Hamilton and head to university again.

Oh and also, while I was at Totara, I had my interview for Summer Staff there so fingers crossed that I will hear back about that sometime soon. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

The days are flying by and im not ready to turn those hi's into goodbyes!!!

17 days and the clock is ticking.....

This week it dawned on me, how quickly this year has gone and how amazingly fast this semester has gone. Its all coming to an end so quick and in some ways im excited but in other ways im deeply saddened by just thinking about leaving Hamilton.

I only have just over two weeks left in Hamilton - 17 days to be specific and a few of those days I am not even in Hamilton but will be in Matamata for a Ministry Camp at Totara Springs.

February seemed so long ago and I remember sitting in one of our very first meetings/lectures that day and finding out who would be in our tutorial groups etc etc etc. Thinking back to that specific day, I can remember everything so clearly and I also remember sitting in that massive lecture theatre with every single other first year student who was studying any form of education and there were definitely a lot of us. On that day, we all were thinking that flip this year was going to go by so slowly and to be honest, the first semester did seem to go by quite slowly.

Now im sitting here, in Taurima Hostel, loving my life, loving uni (sometimes) and in love with Hamilton (not quite as in love as I am with Wellington) and knowing that in 2 weeks today, I have finished my second semester of study at Waikato University.

One year is almost down and there is only two years to go!

The next two weeks are going to continue to fly by I know and its quite a scary thought but I know at the same time that they will be incredible weeks. So much to do and so little time.

The end is insight and to be honest it feels fantastic to be thinking about teaching in a classroom for four weeks but I know there will also be many tears shed in the next month - I just don't want to say goodbye... not yet!

TICK............TOCK .......................TICK ..................... TOCK ..................TICK...........
This afternoon as I was walking back from university, I turned into Cameron Road (the road which I live down), and for some reason I thought about that very first day that I tried finding my way to Waikato University - looking at directions on my cellphone, stopping people and asking for directions and realising that I was heading the complete wrong way down Cameron Road and I made the walk about 15 mins longer for myself than it should have been and although I left in plenty of time, I was still like 10-15 mins late for church that particular day....

Thinking about this now is just crazy as all you have to do to get to uni is walk down our driveway, turn right at the end of the driveway, cross the road, walk to the end of the street and walk around the corner (turning left at the roundabout) and then you are on Knighton Road which is where the main gate of uni is - oh man, how the heck did i get lost all those many weeks & months ago? Just reading over that paragraph it sounds a bit confusing but hopefully you understand what I mean.

The first time we head off to do something, it seems so scary and daunting but once you are familiar with the journey you are taking, it becomes much easier to navigate your way through life :)
So anyway, as I said, when I was walking home from uni this afternoon, I thought back to that very first day when I tried to find my way around Hamilton East. This got me thinking about how when we first look at some things in our lives, from a glance they seem so simple but when you are in the midst of that particular thing eg heading to uni, things do not seem so simple anymore. When you are going through that thing it is sooooooooooo much more difficult.

Once we have gone through that particular thing once or twice, it starts to get a little more comfortable and not seem so risky/scary.

The thing is though, sometimes in our lives we can get a little too comfortable and get stuck doing the same routine day in and day out.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 26 - ARISE GOES 3

ARISE Church in Hamilton has only been going since the end of February this year and it has grown incredibly since then.

On Sunday 26th September, 2010 our church of ARISE in Hamilton, launched it 3rd service on a Sunday. Flip, I thought doing two services in a Sunday was crazy but honestly these people at ARISE are so crazy and have such a passion for God and seeing others come to God, that they are now for the next few weeks, doing 3 services every Sunday. a 10am service, a 4:30pm service and also a 6:30pm service!

So for something new on this day, I attended THREE CHURCH SERVICES IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 25 - You're coming with me, now! No questions please....

On Saturday (September 25th), it was a reasonably good day for weather and I was tucked up in my room ATTEMPTING to do yet another assignment! I must say that I did have some good ideas going at one point but then there were other times when I just wanted to rip up my stupid 60% assignment or throw it out the window! Grrrrrrrrrrrr

So yes, all was going well until I heard a knock on my neighbour's door from our RA Laura - for those who do not know Laura, she is very much a strange person.... I would almost go as far as saying that she is as strange as me! She is such a lovely and sweet person and always makes us laugh when we need to. Laura is an incredible person who has made our first year of university life, so much easier and more bearable for us.

Oh and the other thing was Nicole (my neighbour) was also trying to do a massive assignment. Anyway, so yes I heard a knock on Nicole's door and it was Laura saying something (in her American Accent) about "your coming with me now, no questions please." At this point in time I was thinking to myself, wow, what a strange RA and then I was also hoping that she would not then turn around and knock on my door because I really really needed to finish this assignment and I didn't want to say NO to an RA. Well turns out I was not hoping nor praying hard enough as Laura then knocked on my door.

Three mins later - Nicole and I were both walking down our corridor, following Laura into the world of the unknown with only one or two questions being asked. The thing was we both knew we had to do our assignments but we also knew that we needed a break at some point!

We went on our random walk with Laura and it was actually very fun. We had a great chat and ended up talking about the smell of rain. Laura got down to smell the rain on the road and so did Nicole. I was reluctant to do this as I thought for some reason they were kissing the road (what weirdos). I ended up getting down and kissing the road and after a couple of laughs, all made sense.

Laura ended up taking us to the shop down the road and we had an ice-cream each, went across the road from the shop, sat down on the footpath like great old 1990's kids and ate our ice-creams.

It was an incredible random trip with Mumma Laura and it was the first time that I have done a random trip like so with Mumma Laura. Thanks for the awesome discussions Nicole and Laura.

The assignments ended up getting finished eventually and we all had a fantastic day - I think!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 24 - Reaching out to Hamilton East

Tonight after dinner, Janneke (one of the RA's at the hostel) came to my room with a whole lot of chocolate cake. The chocolate cake was left over from our dinner at the hostel and had to be eaten today. Janneke was going to head out into Hamilton East and just go around houses, knocking on doors and asking if anyone wanted some free chocolate cake - petty much just reaching out to Hamilton East.

She asked if I wanted to go with her and I was like, "yeah, actually I would" so Janneke, Big Caleb and I all ended up just walking around Hamilton East with some chocolate cake and giving it a way. It was such an awesome feeling to just be able to knock on people's doors and ask if they wanted any free chocolate cake and just honestly see their faces light up with joy. We ended up going down a really long driveway which had a flat or two and then behind the flat was like another whole two blocks of little flats - both upstairs and down stairs. It wasn't until we got to the upstairs ones that we realised it was the flats that we could see from our hostel yet the driveway was like 5 or 6 driveways down the road.

But yea, so many families were just so grateful to receive some chocolate cake and we so surprised to hear that it was free. Some of the flats that we went to, im not even sure if those families would have chocolate cake that often or not. We also met a young married couple who were living upstairs in the flats and as soon as we mentioned that we were from the hostel down the road, the wife of the couple said "oh Taurima? My husband used to live at Taurima."

Although I had other plans for the night and had had a fantastic day up till this point, the highlight of my day for September 24th 2010, was just being able to go out into the community that we live in and just bless so many people. It was such an honour to do that and I hope that some other opportunities occur for us to do this again before the end of semester.

Do you know who your neighbours are? Reach out in your community and get to know your neighbours - we are all blessed to be a blessing!

Love and blessings to you all,
Kath @ Taurima, 2010!

Random Quote

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
~Mother Teresa

Just a random quote that I came across this morning which I think sums up so many of our lives at the moment - especially some things that are happening in my life....

God does trust me and although he knows that things will challenge me, he would not give these things to me and I know that with his help and his strength I can get through ANYTHING that comes my way.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 23 - Bleeding Ear and Screwdrivers

Do not be alarmed by the title!

Today I went to class as I normally do on a Thursday and this morning I had decided that I would wear earrings to class - just because I could. Halfway through my drama class, I decided to just fiddle with my earing a bit when we were meant to be doing an activity and a few seconds later I realised that my hand was covered in blood.
MY EAR WAS BLEEDING. Talk about experiencing or doing something new each day! Not too sure how or why but it seemed to be bleeding... *shrugs shoulders*

I pretty much raced to the door of the classroom and then went down the hallway to the bathroom to try and sort out this slight problem of mine. I took the earrings out and my ear was still bleeding. I had blood all over my hands and over my left ear lobe and also down my neck.... blegh! After a couple of minutes it stopped but I was still slightly alarmed by this whole thing....maybe I just wont wear earrings for a while.

A few months ago, one night in my room there were like 6 of 7 random hostel people and then somehow the light above my desk (which is screwed into the wall), ended up coming loose from the wall and the screw fell out. Also, the chair at my desk in my room, I noticed last week was also missing a screw and the back of the chair kept coming off the frame - not helpful at all.

The desk light had annoyed me for quite a few months now and I knew I did not want the desk chair to continue to annoy me so tonight after dinner I decided to do something about this.
My other something new for today was getting a screwdriver from one of the RA's in the hostel and fixing this myself! Yes, I was let loose with a screwdriver in my bedroom and after a bit of trial and a bit more of error, I am pleased to say that the chair is now all together in one piece and as for the desk light, well its securely attached the wall and will hopefully remain that way!

Day 22 - Classmate's house for an assignment

Today after uni, myself and Robyn (one of the girls in my tutorial group), headed over to Josh's flat. Josh is another guy in our tutorial group at uni and the three of us were working on an assignment/presentation for our science class.

When I was at Josh's flat with Robyn and Josh, I realised that this was the first time I had actually been over to a friend's house to work on an assignment/presentation/whatever for either school or university throughout all my years of education. WOW

Had a great time at the flat with Robyn, Josh and the rest of his flatmates and the hospitality was even great too. A couple of hours later our presentation was done and we agreed it was a semi-productive afternoon.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 21 - Travel Agent and Trip!

I decided a couple of days ago - just when I was having my random moments of thinking, that I wanted to travel somewhere for a week or so after practicum in November, before working all summer! We need a break at some point, right?

So today I decided to go into a travel agent on campus (instead of trying to do things over the internet) and seriously look into a few options.

So instead of being indecisive, I have basically now narrowed my options down to a trip around the Bay of Islands or a trip around Coromandel sometime during the middle of November! Anyone else keen to come? Im booking it in the next couple of weeks so time to save a bit of money. Northland here we come :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 19 - Breakfast at Hotel Maunder!

I first went to Totara Springs back in Summer of this year and since then have pretty much fallen in love with the place. It probably helped that I was already in love with one of the chef's who works there but still, I just love Totara Springs and the amazing environment and atmosphere that fills that place.

I tend to go across to Matamata and visit quite a bit or will just have random trips down south and then end up staying a night or two at Totara either end of the trips.

Although I tend to stay quite a bit with Brett and Heidi Maunder and Charley Goiris at the commonly known "Hotel Maunder", I do not usually have breakfast when I stay there due to being close friends with a chef who lives on sight or just having a taste of camp food for breakfast.

For the first time today (Sunday) I ended up having breakfast at Hotel Maunder and I must say it was an incredible breakfast at that.

Just imagine nice hot crepes, mixed berries, banana, cream, maple syrup, chocolate sauce and other tasty ingredients all wrapped up nicely and then eaten bit by bit, filling up your tummy! YUM YUM YUM!

This breakfast made my own personal rating of the hospitality of Hotel Maunder go from a 5 out of 5 to an 8 out of 5!

Thanks Brett, Heidi and Charley - you three are incredible people :)

Day 18 - Engagement Party

My something new for today was going to an engagement party! It was awesome fun, lots of laughs and games, beautiful photos and stories shared and incredible catch ups.

This engagement party, I feel is only the beginning of many more to come over the next couple of years as all of our (Nathaniel and I) friends seem to be either already engaged or getting engaged! I guess we will at least be used to shopping for the presents and also know the secrets for engagement parties sooner or later.

Courtney and Agnus, I wish you all the best for your future together - may you continue to be happy, grow strong together and may God continue to bless you in all that you do!

I now know of 16 couples to date that have got engaged since December last year... WOW! Honestly, whats in the water these days?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 17 - 7am Prayer Meeting & Dancing in the rain...er I mean HAIL?!?

ARISE Church in Hamilton holds a prayer service at the Chapel at Waikato Uni, every second Friday Morning at 7am! After being part of this church since the end of February this year, I realised a few days ago, that I still had not been to a 7am prayer service over at uni. This was probably because I get really lazy in the mornings, especially this semester when I don't start class till 1pm on a Friday.

This morning I decided that I would get up and go to the Uni prayer meeting at 7am and considering I only live like a 5min walk away from uni, thought this would be a fantastic idea! Although the early morning was difficult at first, the prayer service was fantastic and a great way to start the day.

Another something new for today was to do with this storm which is apparently the size of Australia and this storm moving across Hamilton. I can't actually remember the last time I saw hail let alone being able to dance in hail and I actually don't know if I have danced in hail before or not. So just to make sure it is something new, I will say "seeing Hail in Hamilton" was something new and "dancing and playing in the hail as a 20 year old" was also something new.

Yup, so thats Day 17 of something new! Ta ta for now

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 15 - God Spot

Tonight for the first time ever, I did a God Spot at Taurima Hostel.

For those who don't know what a God Spot is, its like a five-ten minute talk/devotion which is shared four nights a week at dinnertime in the hostel. Usually at the start of the year a God Spot is done by just the staff or residents but as the year progresses, residents are more than welcome to do a God Spot if they so desire.

So I just thought that I would include in here what I did for my God Spot. I even asked everyone to stop eating, close their eyes and think about what being a Christian means to them in their lives.

"When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I was lost"
That is why I chose this way.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
And need someone to be my guide.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And pray for strength to carry on.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are all too visible,
But God believes I'm worth it.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
Which is why I speak His name.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 13 - Togs

Today I had class at uni from 1000 - 1200. My next class after this was not till 1500 so I decided that in between my classes, I would head into town and try and get a couple of things done.

My main reason for going into town was to try and sort out things for my Hair Shave. I went to the CanTeen office but no one was there :'(

I decided to go to the warehouse and have a look at a few things - intending to get some clothes for teaching or even look at some new sneakers or something like that. After about 20-30 mins, I walked out of the Warehouse with my new togs. I had just (for the first time ever), bought a pair of togs! Considering my other ones were a bit worn and underwire was falling out, I think it was about time that I got some new togs.

Something new for the day - buying togs :)

Till tomorrow,
God Bless,

Over and Out!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 12 - Church Lunch and Mafia

Usually on a Sunday after morning church, a whole lot of people from church head to different houses for lunch with everyone. Usually however, I end up ditching all of those people and heading back to the lovely land of Taurima Christian Hostel for lunch with my fellow residents and enjoy the afternoon relaxing then head back to church for church later that night.

I always used to go to church lunches in Wellington last year but I until today, I had never been to a church lunch in Hamilton. Today I finally went to a church lunch up here in the wonderful world of the Tron and had a blast.
Thanks everyone for such an awesome time.

Today I also had another new experience - this was playing a game of Mafia and Civilians (or at least thats what I think it is called!)
Basically its a game that involves playing cards. Everyone gets dealt a card and some of the cards resemble Mafia, some resemble doctors, civilians and one person becomes a Sherif.

The game is played through a story of what happens. If you are a member of the mafia, your goal is to kill off all the civilians in the game. If you are a civilian, your goal is to kill off the mafia before they kill you off. If you are the angel, you are on the side of the civilians and share their goal.

Yea, its an interesting game and so awesome to play with lots of people but yup it takes a bit to get what is happening!

Anywho - that concludes my something new for today.

Ta ta for now! xox

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Last night Caleb (one of the guys in the hostel) and I went for a walk to United Video Store around the corner from the hostel so we could get out some movies. Last time we did this, we got 7 movies for $10 and all 7 of these movies were Drama's! Last night, we once again got out 7 movies for $10 and when we got back to the hostel, we realised that 6 out of 7 of these movies were based upon or inspired by True Stories. It seemed as though we had moved on from Drama to the Truth!

I love movies about true stories and usually as soon as I have watched a movie based on a true story, I head straight to the internet and do some research!

Tonight for the first time ever, I sat down and watched WE ARE MARSHALL! I had heard so much about this movie and had also previously heard about the devastating plane crash of 1970 in which Marshall University in the USA lost most of their Football team, athletic coaching staff etc.

This is one incredible movie and everyone should watch it - HONESTLY!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Rachel Amy Macintosh....

I have known you since August (or was it September?) 2006 and we have been through so much together. Your friendship is so priceless and I would not trade it for anything else in this world.
Each and every day, I thank God for placing Rachel Macintosh in my life and just for our incredible friendship that has grown over the last few years.

Rachel is an incredible woman of God and although we have our ups and downs in our friendship, I am so lucky to have her in my life and to have her up in Waikato with me this year. I honestly do not know at times what I would do without her and his wise words, her unfailing patience, her smiley face, her bubbly personality and all the times she comes to me wanting support and help. It is a friendship like this that I know God has his hand on and it is also a friendship that I know will literally last a lifetime.

Thank you so much for being there for me, for listening to me moan and groan, for reminding me why I am doing teaching, for praying with and for me, for entertaining me with all the dramas that we both go through, for laughing with me, for crying with me, for your amazing txts and for just being you.

Will love you and your amazing-ness very muchly for ever and ever!

Day 10 - A Letter to a Camper

When I was back in Hawkes Bay for mid-semester break, I was going through my room (which had been converted into an office at some point while I was in Hamilton) and clearing out a whole heap of stuff. I decided that I wanted to throw away some things and really start to sort out what I wanted/needed to keep and what I didn't.

In my bedroom at home in Hawkes Bay, I have a shoebox (or now two actually), of all my birthday and christmas cards from the 5-10 years as well as every letter that I remember receiving in the mail (at camps, school or just at home) during that time.

I realised that the lids of these boxes didn't really sit properly anymore so thought it was time to go through and sort out these "Letter Boxes" as I call them.

I found a letter in one of these boxes from a camper who I had lead at Camp David back in 2008. She had written the letter to me at the end of January in 2008 and it was such an amazing letter. I think if I remember correctly, she was about 8 when she was in my team so she would now be about 10 or 11. As soon as I saw that letter from her, I started to cry because it brought back memories of Camp David and also I realised that I had not yet replied to her letter and there were some questions that she wanted answered in that letter.

It was one of those Godly moments in my life where I knew straight away that I NEEDED to reply to her letter and I needed to do it sooner rather than later which is where my "something new" for today comes in.

My "something new" for today, ended up being actually setting aside time to just sit down, relax, read this letter that Kate had sent me over two years ago and then write a reply to her. I wanted to write so much to Kate but was not sure what her reaction would be to receiving the letter. For the first time ever (apart from when we actually had to at camp), I wrote a letter (a long overdue letter I might add) to one of my previous campers and posted this in the mail.

Letter to Kate - CHECK!

Now just to write a letter to Ragna, M & W and a couple of others.

Thanks so much September for actually making me do some things that I normally wouldn't do.

God Bless,
Love Kath